International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.31
Figure 6 Length – Weight Relationship of
Hipposcarus harid
Chlorurs sordidus
Figure 7 Growth in weight and growth increment of
Hipposcarus harid
Chlorurs sordidus
The only study dealing with the growth parameters of
those species is that of Ali et al. (2011) who gave L∞ =
43.92 and 23.3 cm; K = 0.067 and 0.56 per year; t
−6.92 and −4.6 year, for
H. harid
C. sordidus
respectively from the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. This
difference may be due to the difference in specimens
maximum size or their samples not representative
sample as
H. harid
K value was too low for a species
has L∞ = 43.9 cm.
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