International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.43, 352-360
“the sea and its watershed” system. Metaphorically we
may say that we need to identify the pieces of this
complex puzzle and determine how they may be
composited into a whole picture. Coastline with all
interrelated component is one of a key piece of the
complex puzzle "Black sea and its watershed".
Recognizing and developing an improved understanding
of a connectivity within the puzzle peace “terrestrial
coastal vegetation - coastal erosion - marine
biodiversity” enhances our ability to properly manage
natural resources at multiple scales by incorporating
previously neglected elements. We are still far from
being able to imagine this puzzle piece as whole; this
article, hopefully, will be a small step in this direction.
We need to make the next steps, which connect with a
quantitative evaluation of processes on different
temporal and special scales, including the whole sea
scale. To do them we may use geographic information
systems (GIS); a comparative study of the changing
shorelines may be done for different spatial and
temporal scenarios (Thieler et al., 2005). The available
aerial and satellite photography can be analyzed in
order to reconstruct the coastline changes (Moore,
The author is grateful to all those who over the years has been involved in
his research in this direction. Special thanks Mr. Yu. Eryomin, Mr. S.
Mironov, Mrs. L. Sosnovskaya, Mr. V. Obryvkov, Mrs. T. Ferat, Mrs. S.
Shadrina as well as to two anonymous reviewers, which help me to improve
manuscript. The author is very grateful to INTAS EC for the project grants
№ 99-1390 (2000-2002) and № 03-51- 6541 (2004-2007), which helped to
organize many expeditions. Also I thank to Ms. E. Anufriieva for her moral
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