International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.41, 333-343
values of 0.5-0.8 to represent a moderate difference.
4 Discussion
4.1 Effects of sediment disturbance on water
quality and nutrients
Disturbance of the gyttja layer resulted in the
introduction of hydrous organic sediments and
associated dead and living microalgae into overlying
water within mesocosms. Physically disturbing the
gyttja not only increased turbidity but also affected
other water quality variables (e.g. minor decreases in
pH and dissolved oxygen). pH decreased to about 6.5
but recovered gradually to normal levels within 5
days. Under severely reduced pH conditions, the
availability of nitrogen and phosphorus can be
affected (Wetzel, 1975; Fisher
et al
, 1992; Bartram
and Balance, 1996). pH plays a role in mobilizing
phosphorus from the sediment into the water column
(Fisher and Wood, 2004).
The disturbance of gyttja introduced significant levels
of NH
(~2000 µg/L) into overlying water, while
levels, although slightly elevated, remained low
(<6 µg/L). This was due to the highly organic nature
of gyttja sediments. Bacterial utilization of oxygen
creates anoxic, reducing conditions which hampers
coupled nitrification-denitrification processes and
results in NH
as the primary breakdown product of
organic matter decomposition (Bronmark and Hansson,
1998; Scheffer, 2001).
Elevated SiO
concentrations also followed sediment
disturbance and continued to rise during the course of
the 5 day experiment. The latter effect may be due to
suspension of diatoms and subsequent degradation to
silicate. Release of dissolved silicate from undisturbed
sediments is largely dependent on remineralization of
bio-silicates from dead diatom cells (Srithongouthai
, 2003).
Sediments play an important role in phosphorus (P)
cycling in aquatic systems (Bostrom
et al
, 1988;
et al
, 1996; Caetano
et al
, 1997; Scheffer,
2001). Sediments can act as both sinks and sources of
P (Bostrom
et al
, 1988; Clavero
et al
, 2000). In Myall
Lake, gyttja and overlying charophytes (
) serve primarily as sinks for P (Shilla
et al
2006; Siong
et al
, 2006). Phosphates within the gyttja
of Myall Lake are highly bound and not readily
available to phytoplankton in overlying waters (Siong
et al., 2006). Gyttja disturbance introduced only very
small amounts of orthophosphate (PO
) into the
water column, with concentrations of ~6 µg/L
(oligotrophic level) appearing within 30 minutes of
the mixing event. These levels dropped to ~2 µg/L
within 24 hr. Data from two years of monitoring in
Myall Lake show that TP levels are naturally low,
and that P is the most limiting macronutrient for
phytoplankton growth in the Myall Lakes (DIPNR,
4.2 Effects of gyttja disturbance on phytoplankton
Light availability, a major factor driving phytoplankton
growth (Yentsch, 1980; Eilers and Peters, 1988;
et al
, 2000), decreased shortly after
sediment disturbance due to an immediate increase in
turbidity (>20 NTU), which remained at levels of 5-10
NTU on Days 1-5. Although significantly higher than
other treatments, it is unlikely that phytoplankton
growth was inhibited by these turbidity levels as they
are low relative to turbidity levels in most coastal
waters (Kendrick et al., 1998).
Typically, algal growth is either controlled or limited
by ambient light conditions or by the supply of critical
nutrients (e.g. nitrogen, silicate, phosphate) (Huisman
et al
, 1999; Wild-Allen
et al
, 2002). Growth in
phytoplankton cell numbers, in response to increases
in NH
, was apparent 2 days following the mixing
event, with peak cell abundance observed on Day 4.
This is in line with other studies, which show that
phytoplankton growth response to elevated dissolved
nutrient concentration occurs within a few days
(Chang and Rossmann, 1988; Schelske
et al
, 1995).
Although both Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae
were present at cell numbers >8000/mL at the start of
the experiment, cyanophytes showed the greatest
growth response following sediment disturbance.
Cyanophytes appear to be more competitive for available
nutrients when orthophosphate levels are low.
Cyanophytes associated with the gyttja in Myall Lake
are mostly Chroococcales and Nostocales, with a high
abundance of
et al
2005). Potentially toxic benthic cyanobacteria
Microcystis flos-aquae
) were also found in the
surface gyttja layer but these large colonies quickly
sank out of the water column when suspended.
It was expected that sediment disturbance would
introduce benthic algae (diatoms and benthic