International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.29, 225-237
uses according to the particular characteristics of
coastal zone.
In general all the municipalities take on only the
terrestrial-coastal sub-zone as the municipalities´
coastal area, without considering the marine-coastal
sub-zone as an integral part of the territory, that
though is not part of its jurisdiction, is closely related
due to the fact that the activities developed in the
continent may affect the marine part and besides many
of the coastal settlements´ economic activities develop
on the sea.
Regarding the diagnosis, aspects such as de
identification of strategic ocean and coastal
ecosystems, high impact phenomena (i.e. Tsunamis),
coastal erosion, terrestrial and marine origin pollution
sources, oceanographic aspects, and socioeconomically
and governability aspects are taken into account but
they require to be strengthened from a holistic vision
of the territory.
As far as the information integration for the
cartographic and production, reinforcements are
required in improving the work scale and the
information accuracy so they are useful to the zoning,
allowing the identification and solution of use
conflicts and the legal appropriation of the territory.
Regarding the ecological, currently in the territorial
land use planning of the coastal area municipalities of
the Colombian Pacific, coastal ecosystems such as the
mangroves, the beaches, the estuaries and the coral
reefs (in the case where this ecosystem exists) are
identified. However, the sedimentary bottom of the
continental platform is not documented as an
ecosystem associated to the coastal area of the
municipality. In this sense, the recognition of this
ecosystem must be strengthened given its importance
as far as extension and support of one of the important
economic activities in the Colombian Pacific, as is the
case of fishery.
As far as the prospective criterion, in general it is
evidenced in the territorial land use planning of the
coastal municipalities of the Colombian Pacific, a
more continental vision as far as the actions and
projects to be developed proposal; it is necessary to
identify projects in agreement with the characteristics
of the coastal areas, for example, the conservation of
strategic ecosystems such as mangroves, beaches and
estuaries, the protection of hydro-biological resources,
the management of pollution due to terrestrial and
marine sources affecting the human settlements and
the ecosystems, and the prevention and mitigation of
the risk in the presence of natural threats, especially
those associated to the coastal areas (coastal erosion,
tsunami, sea level rise), among others.
Authors' contributions
Angela López Rodríguez, principal author of the paper, the result of the
work is the product of her MSc thesis. She gave the original idea and design
of the article and made for the acquisition and analysis of data. Paula
Cristina Sierra Correa participated in drafting the article and contributed to
the design of the analysis methodology. Pilar Lozano-Rivera participated in
drafting the manuscript and made revisions to the version submitted for
Present work was prepared as part of the academic process of the Fundación
Universitaria Iberoamericana-FUNIBER in agreement with the Universidad
Politécnica de Cataluña, as a requirement to obtain the Master degree in
Environmental Management and Audits in Marine Science and Technology;
and in the framework of the training plan through the Henry von Prahl
Scholarship Fund offered by the “Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y
The authors thank the General Director of INVEMAR, Francisco A. Arias
Isaza, and the investigators, Daniel Mauricio Rozo, René Pinzón and Jose
de la Espriella, of the Information Systems Laboratory, for the support in the
execution of the Figures presented in this document.
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