International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.29, 225-237
specific functions for municipalities on marine issues
(National Constitution, Departmental Regime
Code-Decree 1222 of 1986, Law 388/97, Municipal
Regime Code-Law 136 of 1994). These plans
determine the actions lines and activities limited by
the terrestrial portion of coastal areas, including urban
and rural land types, leaving the marine areas for the
National Government competence.
Similar situation is showed in other coastal areas
(Oregon, United States), where it has found as a
weakness of the land use plans a geographical
limitation as far as jurisdiction is concerned (Smith,
2002). Main problem was the elements related to the
marine environment were not taken into consideration
for fundamental aspects such as ecosystems, land uses
and natural and human threats.
3.2 Criteria definition
Based on components and phases of territorial land
use planning and ICZM, critical criteria were defined
for territorial land use planning processes and we
consider they must be incorporated into the coastal
municipality management process (Figure 2). The
figure shows the correspondence between the
components of the territorial land use planning and
ICZM, indicating the criteria that should be considered in
each phase and planning for the coastal municipalities, in
addition to considering an additional component related
to the delimitation of the coastal zone.
Figure 2 Criteria applied from the ICZM for the territorial land use planning
Note: The arrows indicate which part of ICZM aspects should be incorporated in the stages of land use plan. Each defined criteria
was established relevant aspects to be included in the territorial land use planning of coastal municipalities of the Colombian Pacific,
based on ICZM guidelines.