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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.28, 219-224
Figure 4 Species diversity for parishes
From this recent data it is observable that only the
European eel is still captured regularly. The migrating
species shads are captured irregularly and trouts and
lampreys disappeared from the actuals records. This
distributional pattern clearly put in evidence that the
migrant species (anadromous and catadromous species)
are the ones that first suffer the effects of
anthropogenic impacts in the system.
Secondly it is known that the already referred
anthropogenic impacts in the system (transformation
of the coastal stretch and the strong anthropic action
and contamination) impacted this ecological sensitive
migrant species.
The changes in the ecosystem resulting from the
above factors, led to a change of the physiology of
some species (physiology and sex ratios) (Baptista
., 2013; Mieiro
et al
., 2012). The trophic chain is
clearly affected (Coelho
et al
., 2013) which
compromises the sustainability of the system.
This is because, if the environmental awareness is
something quite recent that only in the second half of
the 20th century began to be object of study, the result
of a profound change that humanity has operated in
the ecosystems through the unbridled use of new
technologies, find the middle ground, the fair procedure
between profit and preservation of species has been one
of the greatest challenges that came up to our 21
century and which will continue to be for decades a key
theme for the various quarters of civil society.
Hence the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue
that should not be a mere casual meeting among
academics, but it should be a continuum, a permanent
dialogue discussion and improvement.
4 Materials and Methods
The selection and collection of historical data through
the information was made available online by
DGARQ-Torre do Tombo, at Torre do Tombo on line
We selected and processed all the data relating to the
parishes that were on the banks of Aveiro’s lagoon, in
particular with regard to geomorphological and fish
The actual fish systematics and ecology was supported
by the CFE group (Martinho
et al
, 2012). In fact were