International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.21, 166-172
Cymothoa exigua
Schioedte and Meinert, 1884
Materials examined: One female specimen of the
tongue-eating louse
C. exigua
was found on the gill of
one (out of 23)
Lutjanus gibbus
whose length and
weight was 23 cm and 110 gm, respectively. A second
female specimen of
was found attached in
the mouth of one (out of nine)
Chelon macrolepis
whose length and weight was 20.5 cm and 75 gm,
respectively. So, the infection rate of these two fishes
N. orbignyi
was 4.3% and 11.1%, respectively.
Description: Based on two specimens. Body length
11-14 (13.0) mm and width 6.0-9.0 (7.3) mm. Cephalon,
posterior border not trisinuate; weakly to moderately
immersed into pereonite 1. Eyes well developed.
Antennae 1 of 7-9 articles, extended to or falling short
of anterior third of pereonite 1. Antennae 2 of 7-10
articles, extended to anterior 1/3 to 1/2 of pereonite 1.
Maxilliped with 4-7 spines on distal article. Maxilla 1
with 4 (rarely 5) terminal spines. Maxilla 2 with
denticles along margins and semilunar pectinate scales
on medial surfaces. Mandible palp articles 1 and 2
sub-equal in length; article 3 small, without setae.
Pereon: Pereonite 1 longest; 2-4 sub equal in length;
5-7 decreasing in length posteriorly; 7 shortest.
Pereonites 5-6 widest. All coxae fail to reach posterior
margins of their respective segments; Pereopods 1-7
without spines; increasing in length posteriorly; 4-7
with carinae on basis, increasing in size posteriorly.
Pleon: Pleonites 1-5 with medial elevation; 4-5 widest;
5 longest. All pleopods with lateral accessory lamella
on basis, increasing in size posteriorly. Endopods of
pleopods 1-5 with medioproximal accessory lamella,
increasing in size posteriorly. Pleopod 2 with appendix
masculinum, variable in size. Pleopods 3-4 usually
with a single fold or pocket on medioproximal surface
of endopod. Pleotelson wider than long; posterior
margin concave in larger individuals. Uropodal rami
narrow and elongate, but not extended beyond
posterior border of pleotelson (Figure 3 and Figure 4).
Ceratothoa capri
(Trilles, 1964)
Materials examined: Females of
C. capri
were found
in the buccal cavity of two (out of nine) specimens of
the mugilid fish
Chelon macroleps
. So, the infection
rate was 22.2%. Length of these infected fishes was
20.5 cm and 22 cm, respectively and their weight was
98 gm and 110 gm, respectively.
Description: Based on two specimens. Body very stocky,
Figure 3 Photograph of
Cymothoa exigua
attached in the buccal
cavity of
Chelon macrolepis
from the Red Sea, Yemen
Figure 4 Camera Lucida drawings of
Cymothoa exigua
the Red Sea, Yemen coast
distinctly elliptical, oval to rounded. Length 15-18
mm; width 7-9 mm with greatest at pereonite 4.
Expansions on the pereopods 6-7 on the lower edge
only. Antennules, extending to middle of the eyes,
composed of 7 articles. Maxillule simple. Pereonite 1
with anterolateral angles extended to anterior margins
of the eyes. Pereopods 1-3 increasing gradually in size.
Pleopods simple and decreasing in size posteriorly.
Uropod extending or slightly beyond posterior margin
of the pleotelson if stretched out. Exopod of ramus
shorter and wider than endopod of ramus (Figure 5).
4 Discussion and Conclusion
Nerocila orbignyi
(Guérin-Méneville, 1832)
The genus
is a large genus which includes 42
species (WoRMS, 2013).
N. orbignyi
is an ectoparasite
that attaches to the skin and fins of fish and generally
infects fishes of the family Mugilidae (Kayis and
Ceylan, 2011). According to Brusca (1981), inflammation
and bacterial or fungal infections are often observed
around feeding wounds caused by this ectoparasite.
However, no inflammation or secondary infections were