International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.16, 128-134
Table 2 The contradictory findings of this study and other studies
Malacca Straits
0.12 to 0.98 mg NO
0.17 to 0.42 mg PO
P/L Chua and Bronk, 1997
Surface sea water Nitrate, nitrite and ammonium in the surface seawater are
0.827, 0.167 and 2.248 μg at N/L respectively
0.242 μg at P/L
Law et al.,
Sea water
Nitrate (1
500 μg NO
N dm-3), nitrite (<1
50 μg NO
3) and ammonia (<1
50 μg NH
N dm
75 μg P dm
Johnston, 1976
According to Murdoch et al (2001) high Levels of
both Phosphorus and Nitrogen can lead to
eutrophication, which increases algae growth and
ultimately reduces dissolved oxygen levels in the
water. In fact, the variations in the chemical
composition of natural waters might play an
important role in regulating the abundance, composition,
the geographical and temporal distribution on
phytoplankton (Reynolds, 1984). Excess amount of
total phosphorus and total nitrogen, that are
discharged into the coastal areas have been shown
to cause eutrophication and this would lead to
various changes in the algal community structures
(Jorgensen and Richardson, 1996). The present study
summarizes the spatial and seasonal fluctuations in two
major chemical parameters in the water of the
Sundarbans mangrove Rivers as exploratory statistical
data output which showed that the chemical properties
of the mangrove Rivers were significantly affected by
freshwater input during monsoon. A significant
change in Nitrogen and Phosphorus, were noticed
during the present study. The deterioration of water
quality and rise in the nutrients level observed in this
study is alarming and periodic monitoring and
preventative measures are required to save the aquatic
system from eutrophication.
The authors would like to acknowledge Ministry of Education,
Bangladesh for funding to complete this research.
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