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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.15, 121-127
The design of daily experiments and the pertinent
computations have been published early (Stelmakh et
al., 2009). Chlorophyll-
concentration was measured
using fluorimetric technique (Protocols JGOFS, 1994).
Samples (1 L) were filtered onto Whatman GF/F
filters. After filtration filters were placed in 90%
acetone (5 mL) and chlorophyll was extracted for 24 h
at 4
in the dark. Before and after acidification
fluorescence was measured on a fluorometer
(excitation 440 to 480 nm, emission > 665 nm), which
was calibrated with pure chlorophyll-
Chemical Co). The precision of these measurements
was high, with a relative standard deviation of 5%.
For determination of phytoplankton biomass and
species composition, 3~4 L samples of sea water were
condensed under the nucleopore membranes (1 µm
pore size; the product of the Institute of Nuclear
Researches, Dubna, Russia)
in the inverse filtering
plexiglass funnel, (Sorokin et al., 1975). Samples after
reducing of volume were fixed with neutralized
1%-formaldehyde (final concentration in the sample)
and immediately processed. The numbers and
dimensions of microalgae were measured in a 0.1 mL
drop in 3~5 replications under the light microscope
ZEISS Primo Star (×400). The precision of these
measurements was with a relative standard deviation
of 25%. Unfortunately the abundance and biomass of
microzooplankton was not determined. Mathematical
treatment of all data involved using Microsoft Office
Excel 2007 and Sigma Plot 2001 software for
My special thanks to Irina I. Babich (IBSS), for her valuable help in
measuring phytoplankton biomass and phytoplankton species identification.
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