International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.14, 111-120
expressed in Shannon–Wiener index (H′) (Shannon,
1948) and Pielou’s evenness (J) (Pielou, 1974).
The method of Slack et al (1979) was used to
determine dominant, subdominant, occasional and rare
species. Taxonomic groups comprising 15% or more
of the total number of individuals collected were
considered dominant, those comprising at least 5% of
the total number of individuals were considered sub
dominant group, and those comprising at least 1% of
the total number of individuals were considered
common while those comprising less than 1% were
considered the rare group.
Cluster analysis was applied to determine the stations
with similar densities of mollusc. Spearman’s Rank
Correlation Test was used to determine the
relationship between environmental parameters and
biotic variables (density, diversity, species richness
and evenness).
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