International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.6, 51-58
from 22.77 µg/g during spring to 28.28 µg/g during winter, station 7 ranged from 27.07 µg/g during summer to
35.63 µg/g during winter, station 8 ranged from 29.59 µg/g during summer to 38.45 µg/g during winter, station 9
ranged from 29.59 µg/g during summer to 39.07 µg/g during spring and at station 10 ranged from 33.39 µg/g during
summer to 41.86 µg/g during spring ( Table 2; Figure 2).
Figure 2 Seasonal and Mean concentrations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons of West Qurna-2 oil field
Seasonal variations of Total petroleum Hydrocarbons were observed during this study. The highest concentrations
were noticed during winter season while lower concentration observed during summer season (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Seasonal Variations of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons of West Qurna-2 oil field
Based on our data, the GIS maps represented the concentrations of TPHs measured during different seasons (Figure
The results of the present study showed a highest mean concentration (37.372μg/g dry weigh) of TPHs in station
10, while a lowest concentration (16.657 μg/g dry weigh) observed at station 1 (Table 2).
Variations in the recorded concentrations of the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons was observer during the study, they
gradually increased starting from station 1 until station 5, and then significantly decreased at station 6 and then
increased to station 10. The fluctuation in concentrations of TPH in stations is due to distance from the flame of
the flare which near to the stations 8,9,10 and far to the stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Figure 4).
The results regional distributions of TPHs at the present study showed a highest concentration of TPHs during
spring at station 10 (41.86 μg/g dry weigh) while a lowest concentration also observed during spring at station 1
(14.82 μg/g dry weigh) (Table 2).
The refined oils and gas creation plants, electrical producing stations, oil wastes discharges, transportation,
internal combustion in industrial and vehicle motors, Natural gas flares and explosions, breathing air at Gasoline