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International Journal of Horticulture 2014, Vol.4, No.14, 1
showed that irrigation regimes imposed (fortnight and
weekly) produced differences in water use and fruit
yields of dry season pepper. Irrigation regimes
imposed (fortnight and weekly) substantially enhanced
water use and fruit yields of dry season pepper grown
in an inland valley swamp/floodplain in a humid
tropical environment. These results suggest that
alleviating soil and air moisture and heat stresses in
the early to mid-season and during the flowering and
fruit filling periods via application of irrigation has the
potential to maintain pepper fruit yields. The trends in
soil water balance indicated that reduced irrigation
was accompanied by over 20 % water savings and did
not result in significant fruit yield reductions in pepper.
Differences were obtained in pepper fruit yields
between the December and January sowings
(experiments 1 and 2) across the irrigation treatments.
Total fruit yield was higher in December (8.8 t ha
over January (8.5 t ha
) sowing. In both experiments,
fruit yields were lower under fortnight irrigation
(averaging 8.1 t ha
) compared to weekly (averaging
9 t ha
) interval. Weekly irrigation offered the best
compromise in terms of fruit yields and water
productivity in the circumstance of declining water
table depths and high climatic demand of the dry
season in the site of study. Application of water to
crop root zone via the use of irrigation improved soil
moisture storage, evapotranspiration, growth, fruit
yield and water productivity of pepper. Establishing
the optimal irrigation scheduling is important in the
development of water-saving management practices
for sustainable agriculture in the wake of the
hydrothermal (extreme heat and water deficits) stress
envisage for the future.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Senate of the
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, for the
opportunity of a University Senate Research Grant Number
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