International Journal of Horticulture, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 25, 229-238
Coronopus didymus
L. (Brassicaceae) is perhaps a native of S. America, but widely introduced almost throughout
the world.
(L.) Smith occurs in Pakistan (Jafri, 1973). This species, is also reported from
QillaSaifullah Tehsil.
Cyperus rotundus
L. (Cyperaceae) is found in ditches, ponds and rivers shores, and rice fields in Pakistan (Marwat
et al., 2013). It also occurs in our research area, QillaSaifullah Tehsil.
Cynodon dactylon
(Linn.) Pers.,
Poaceae) isa perennial grass distributed all over the world, and particularly it is
native to the warm temperate and tropical regions (Ashokkumar et al., 2013). It is found as a weed in cultivated
fields and moist and marshy grounds in QillaSaifullahTehsil (our research area).
Echinochloa colona
(Poaceae): It is considered to be one of the finest fodder grasses and is eagerly eaten by cattle
both before and after flowering (Cope, 1982). It frequently occurs in wet places and rice fields in Pakistan
(Marwatet al., 2013) and is also found in QillaSaifullahTehsil.
Leptochloa panacea
(Retz.) Ohwi is found as a weed in cultivated fields (Cope, 1982), roadsides, rice fields, damp
weedy places. This species is an excellent forage grass (jizicao). In our research area, it occurs in cultivated, wet
and swampy grounds.
The genus
(Haloragidaceae) includes 40-45 cosmopolitan species (Cook et al., 1974;
Ghazanfar, 1977). The species frequently are hydrophytes, found in various habitats (Cook et al., 1974). Two
species are found in Pakistan.
M. spicatum
in fresh water lakes, rivers and canals in the Baluchistan,
Baltistan and Kashmir areas of Pakistan (Ghazanfar, 1977). In our research area i.e., QillaSaifullah Tehsil it is also
found (Figure 5).
Mentha longifolia
(Lamiaceae) is a polymorphic aromatic (Hedge, 1990) and semi-aquatic herb (Ishaqet et al.,
2017). The correct nomenclatural citation of this species is, to some extent, a matter of opinion. In this paper
following (Hedge, 1990)
M. longifolia
has been favoured. In QillaSaifullah Tehsil, it is also found.
Nasturtium officinale
R. Br.(Brassicaceae): It is very common along drains and other wet places in Pakistan (Jafri,
1973). In our research area i.e., QillaSaifullahTehsil,it is found in swamps, marshes.
Paspalum paspaloides
(Michx.) Scribner (Poaceae) occurs as a weed in garden, along ditches and irrigation
channels, in rice-fields and in marshy places (Cope, 1982). It also grows in our research area i.e., QillaSaifullah
Phalaris minor
(Poaceae) is one of the 2 native species of Pakistan (Cope, 1982). In QillaSaifullah Tehsil it is
found as a weed in cultivated grounds and moistplaces.
Phragmites karka
(Poaceae) is a cosmopolitan and is usually found in thick places, ponds and lakes, in marshes
and in estuaries (Cook, 1974). It is also found in Pakistan (Cope, 1982). In QillaSaifullah Tehsil it occurs in
ponds, swamps and beside streams of the area.
Phyla nodiflora
Common in wet places almost throughout Pakistan plains, often in gregarious patches.
Plantago major
(Plantaginaceae) occurs in meadows, wet places, wastelands. It has been widely naturalized
throughout much of the world (Kazmi, 1974). In QillaSaifullah Tehsil (Pakistan) it is found in marshy places,
along irrigation channels etc (Figure 6).
Polygonum plebejum
is found near fields and roads, wet areas. It is commonly found in Pakistan
including QillaSaifullah Tehsil.