IJCCR-2017v7n4 - page 5

International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2017, Vol.7, No.4, 15-18
Figure 1 Congenitally absent left testis
Figure 2 Left inguinal incision for inguinal hernia repair
Figure 3 Hernial sac
Figure 4 Epididymis and cord structures
Figure 5 The left testis is visible coming out of the internal
inguinal ring
Figure 6 Prolene mesh fixed with prolene sutures
Figure 7 Sutures placed with suction drainage
2 Discussion
This was an extremely rare case of cryptorchidism revealed in an adult male patient. The patient remained
asymptomatic for 60 years. Most of the studies have concluded that there is a direct correlation between how long
the testis was subjected to a cryptorchid position and testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) incidence. The
recommended age of surgical correction is before the age of 2 years. In our case, we did not find a correlation
between the time of surgery and the risk of TGCT. Histopathological examination confirmed a normal testis and
the presence of Leydig cells and the seminiferous tubule without testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT). An
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