7 - IJCCR-1311页


International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2014, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1-4
deficiency within as the general incidence of Bi
Syndrom. But its etiology and pathogenesis are
different. Exogenous pathogenic factors are neither
inevitable predisposing factors, nor the essence of
pathological changes, mostly just the onset or
worsening incentives of the disease. It is congenital
deficiency and kidney essence deficiency that were
the leading causes of RA's morbidity. Traditional
medicine takes effects by its combined ingredients
(FuFang) via multi-ways, which is an integrative way
of connecting the potential pathogen and exterior
symptom-complex; it is an adaptive intervention on
the basis of dynamic progress of diseases and patients'
response to therapy (Liu and Chen, 2012). Therefore,
in the early treatment of RA traditional medicine
focuses on the surrounding environment as well as
internal factors such as physical concerns to seize the
major etiology and treatment with syndrome
differentiation. The most severe exogenous pathogenic
factor of RA is dampness, so in this case the principles
of treatment are combining eliminating dampness,
such as the treatment of inflammatory cytokines, by
supplementing Qi and nourishing blood to support the
healthy energy.
In summary, early TCM diagnosis and treatment of
RA with personal and adaptive intervention based on
the dynamic clinical progress and patients' responses
play a significant role in delaying the progression of
the disease. Combination regimens including all the
factors talking above may be an early effective
approach to treatment of RA. It can be a practical way
to treat RA with early TCM diagnose and treatment
that impact disease activity and ultimately have been
shown to slow or arrest structural joint damage, and
then turn up to Western medicine treatment if the
patient's symptoms reach the Western diagnostic
Thanks to the patient and the First Affiliated Hospital
with Nanjing Medical University, Department of
Rheumatism, for the assistance of obtaining precise
medical records in the process of writing article. This
article is supported by Administration of Traditional
Chinese Medicine of Jiangsu Province, No. JD11040,
the study sponsors had involvement in part of the
study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of
data; but no involvement in the writing of the
manuscript; or in the decision to submit the
manuscript for publication.
Authors' Contributions
The conception and design of the study were
accomplished by Muxin Wei; acquisition of data,
analysis and interpretation of data and drafting the
article mainly by Yanjun Kong; revising it critically
for important intellectual content by Qiande Zhang
and Muxin Wei; final approval of the version to be
submitted were depended on all the authors.
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