International Journal of Aquaculture, 2018, Vol.8, No.8, 53-64
Neendakara of Kollam district (8°93’N, 76°53’E), Munambam of Kochi (10°18’N, 76°17’E) and Beypore of
Kozhikode district (11°17’N, 75°80’E). Neendakara fishing harbour is one of the top fishing harbours of Kerala.
Munambam fishing harbour is one of the best examples of hygiene and a thriving fishing village of the district.
Beypore is an old port of Kerala and famous fish landing centre in Kozhikode district.
1.2 Data collection
The samples were collected seasonally and harbour visits were made on fortnight basis during 2014 January to
2015 December (2 years). The fishes identified were listed according to IUCN Red List status and also the
different schedules of the Indian wildlife (Protection) Act and in the appendices of Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of wild flora and fauna (CITES) (IUCN Red List 2017-3). All images of the fishes
were captured in-situ with a canon power shot G16 camera. Preserved specimens were examined for detailed
identification (Misra, 1952; Ebert and Mostarda, 2013; List of Fish Species; Fish Base). Individual surveys were
conducted to obtain any unreported historical data. Historical records of sharks in the Indian coasts were obtained
from the following sources: (a) fishery-dependent inspection for the description of the elasmobranch fisheries (b)
ichthyological collection of Kerala state. In this survey, we collected data from coastal fisheries for demersal and
pelagic species, and from semi oceanic fisheries for pelagic species.
2 Results and Discussions
A total of 206 marine fishes were recorded from the three selected harbours of south west coast of India (Figure 1)
during a study period of two years. All of the identified species were checked for Red List status and found 73 of
them were listed under 2017-3 IUCN Red List (Table 1; Table 2; Table 3). Combined season wise landings of Red
Listed finfishes were presented in Table 4. All the species observed in this study were known species. All the
identification is done with classical taxonomy and also with the help of some expertise in the taxonomic field.
Figure 1 Map showing the study areas