International Journal of Aquaculture, 2018, Vol.8, No.22, 161-167
Specific growth rate (SGR) =
ln(FMW) − ln(IMW)
× 100
Feed efficiency (FE) =
FB + DB − IB
Consumption index (CI) =
Where: FN = final fish number per pond, IN = initial fish number per pond, FB = final biomass per pond, Ln =
logarithm, T = time (experiment duration), DB = dead fish biomass (g), IB = initial biomass per pond (g), DR =
distributed ration (g).
3.3 Statistical analysis
Data collected during experiment were encoded in Excel software version 2010. Different zootechnical
parameters, physico-chemical and morpho-metrical were calculated. Mean and range of each parameter were
calculated and graphs were drawn. Statistical analyses were carried out by using STATVIEW software (version
5.01) at 5% probability threshold. A one way analysis of variance was carried out to compare zootechnical
performances of different treatments. In case of significant differences, the Fisher LSD (Least Significant
Difference) test served to means comparisons.
4 Conclusion
Fixing the optimum frequency of feeding, farmers can decrease the feed cost and increase growth parameters.
This study showed that the augmentation of feeding frequency above 3 times/day did not produce any significant
improvement of growth. Therefore, optimal feeding frequency for
Parachanna obscura
fingerlings reared in
controlled conditions is three times daily.
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed equally in this study and writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This study was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Republic of Benin.
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