International Journal of Aquaculture, 2018, Vol.8, No.2, 8-16
4.5 Serum lactase dehydrogenase concentration
Lactose dehydrogenase (LDH) is the enzyme responsible for the formation of lactic acid during glycolysis and its
oxidation to pyruvate during respiration (Campbell, 2012). An increased amount of serum lactose dehydrogenase
is brought about by cellular damage or necrosis (Knowles et al., 2006). Normal levels of LDH found in the serum
are indicative of the body’s routine destruction of senescent cells and their replacements. The serum LDH
concentration in this study is lower than values reported by Yilmaz et al. (2006) and it is in conformity with that
of Myburgh et al. (2008) for
C. gariepinus
4.6 Serum lipids
The serum lipids consists of the serum total cholesterol, high density lipid, low density lipid and serum
triglycerides. Cholesterols are natural fats present in the body as part of cell membranes, lipoproteins, bile acids
and steroid hormones (Blake and Ridker, 2001). Serum high density lipids (HDL) is one of the five major
lipoproteins which are complex particles composed of multiple proteins which transport all fat molecules around
the body. HDL is the smallest of the lipoproteins particles that primarily transports cholesterol to the liver or other
steroidogenic organs such as the adrenals, ovary and the testes by both direct and indirect pathways; the serum
HDL concentration in the present study ranged between 9.00 and 29.01 mg/dl.
Serum triglycerides are lipid compounds composed of glycerols esterified to three fatty acid chains. Increased
serum concentrations of triglycerides termed hypertriglyceridemia when present with low HDL and elevated LDL
concentrations is indicative of insulin resistance (Yuan et al., 2007). According to Brusell (2001) and Farrell
(1997; 2002), elevated serum triglyceride concentration is a clinical risk factor especially when accompanied by
decreased concentration in serum LDL. Very high levels of serum triglycerides have been linked to the
development of pancreatitis in man (Abdel-Maksoud and Hokanso, 2002). The serum triglycerides concentration
obtained in this study ranged from 45.39 to 92.04 mg/dl.
5 Conclusion
This study revealed the normal serum biochemistry of
Clarias gariepinus
farmed in earthen ponds in the Guinea
savanna agro-ecological zone of Nigeria, serves as a reference for future researchers to assess the health as well as
to predict the onset of disease, allowing appropriate interventions and prevent occurrence of losses. However,
additional investigations should be carried out on the effects of capturing stress on the serum enzyme activities of
this important fish species.
Authors’ contributions
Adeyemo B.T (ABT): Study design; Serum biochemistry analysis and write up of the article; Shola S.G (SGS): Study design and
statistical analysis; Apochi J.O (AJO): Fish sample collection and analysis; Obande R.A (ORA): Fish sample collection and write up;
Dagah Helen (DH): Serum biochemistry analysis; Odo Joel (OJ): Fish sampling and Statistical analysis. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
Authors wishes to acknowledge Dr Alani Abdulahi and Dr Egbe Emmanuel for invaluable contributions in the serum biochemical
analysis and for reviewing the initial manuscript.
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