IJA-2018v8n1 - page 8

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2018, Vol.8, No.1, 1-7
2016) and parasites in fishes (Schwaiger, 2001; Almeida et al., 2008;). Tull and Brussard (2006) also found FA in
the western fence lizard (
Sceloporus occidentalis
) to be greater among individuals exposed to off-highway vehicle
disturbance, and Lajus et al. (2003) found FA in some characters of eelpout (
Zoarces viviparous
) to correlate with
environmental conditions of salinity and temperature. Additionally Estes et al. (2006) found eastern mosquitofish
Gambusia holbrooki
) from a stream with high levels of paper mill effluent to have greater FA than mosquitofish
from streams free of effluent. Zakeyudin et al. (2012) investigated the spotted barb (
P. binotatus
) and used it as an
essential bio-marker to environmental stress or the health condition of the aquatic habitat. Cabuga et al. (2017)
also reported that the approach of FA and physico-chemical parameters is significant for evaluating environmental
condition as well as species state of well-being. However, the present results of FA and our interpretation can
serve as the foundational data for investigating the effects of pollution on the aquatic ecosystem and biodiversity
of the Nile. Future investigation of FA within the Nile system can be focused on environmental water quality,
microhabitat assessment, and changes in hydrology which may be more meaningful for predicting responses in
FA. Species with greater responses in FA that could better serve as biological indicators of the health of a given
Authors’ contributions
Analysis of data and writing of manuscript were done by Dr. Elagba Mohamed while morphological measurements and counts were
done by Wigdan Al-Awadi. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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