International Journal of Aquaculture, 2016, Vol.6, No.7, 1
Authors’ Contributions
DK conceptualized the study and was responsible for coordination among the authors during the design phase of the study. He was
also responsible for sourcing materials such as brood stock and tanks that were used during the study. APC and VJMC were
responsible for induced propagation of brood stock, management of fry during the experiment including feeding and water exchange,
and data collection. All three authors took part in data analysis and drafting of this manuscript.
We express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Daniel Sikawa, Mr Robert Ssenfuma, Mr Wei Ying and Mrs Mabohlokoa Khoaisanyane for
the support they rendered to us during the course of our experiment. We are also extremely thankful to Mr. Isaacs Chaggwa, the
Bunda fish farm manager, and his team for providing us with tanks and other necessary materials to make our experiment possible.
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