IJA-2015v5n34 - page 3

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2015, Vol. 5
Latest Content
Biological characteristics of Pontic shad (
Alosa immaculata
Bennet 1835) from the Bulgarian sector of Danube
Desislava Rozdina, Galerida Raikova-Petrova, Petya Mirtcheva, Stanislava Velikova
Molluscs of Santa Catarina State/ SC, Central Southern Brazil: increments to species inventory, new geographical
records and additional informations
A. Ignacio Agudo-Padrón
Effects of stocking density and water exchange rates on growth performances, production traits, feed utilization
and body composition of mono-sex male Nile tilapia,
Oreochromis niloticus
(L.) cultured in concrete tanks
Deyab El-Saidy, Ebtehal Hussein
Ecto-parasites Infestation of Nile Tilapia (
Oreochromis niloticus
) in Concrete Ponds in Tamale, Ghana
K. Baidoo1, S.M. Abobi, E. Agbeko
Taxonomic Revision of the Tiger Fish
Hydrocynus vittatus
(Castelnau, 1861),
H. Brevis
(Cuvier & Valencience,
1849) an
(Cuvier, 1819) from the Nile in Sudan
Elagba H.A. Mohamed, Wigdan A.S. Al-Awadi
Food and feeding habits of Mugil cephalus of Kayamkulam estuary, Kerala
K.S. Anila Kumary
Length-weight relationship and morphological studies of the Polydactylus sextarius, Nemipterus japonicus and
Pampus argenteus from the Fiery Cross Reef, South China Sea
Long Wang, Nan Zhang, Zhenhua Ma, Huayang Guo, Caiyan Zhu, Dianchang Zhang
Promoting aquaculture growth in Zambia through Cluster approach: A case study of Luanshya district of the
Copperbelt Province
Hellen Mushili, Confred G. Musuka
Preliminary Report on the use of Androgen for the Production of All-male Oreochromis niloticus
Olufeagba S.O., Okomoda V.T
Nutritional value of Hydrothermally processed Citrullus lanatus seeds in the Diet of Clarias gariepinus
Tiamiyu L.O., Okomoda V.T., Izundu C.I.
Heterotrophic Bacterial Population in Water, Sediment and Fish Tissues Collected From Koka Reservoir and
Awash River, Ethiopia
Lakew Wondimu, Sreenivasa V., Prabhadevi L, Natarajan P., Khillare Y.
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