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International Journal of Aquaculture, 2014, Vol.4, No.24 1
Author’s contributions
Kibru T., Adamneh D. and Marshet A. contributed considerably
during data collection, laboratory analysis of water, plankton
and fish samples. Kibru T. also wrote the first draft of the
manuscript and constructed the figures. Fasil D. organized the
manuscript in according with IJA-guideline. Fasil’s
contribution through proof reading, re-writing and correcting
the first draft and figures was instrumental during the
preparation and submission of this paper. He also handled the
submission and all correspondence of the manuscript during the
publication process.
We appreciate the financial and logistic support of
EIAR-National Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Center
(NFLARC) during this study. Special thanks to NAHDIC who
assisted during laboratory analysis. We also thank Kebede
Bereda for safe driving and assistance in handling the field
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