CGE-2017v5n7 - page 8

Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2017, Vol.5, No.7, 33-38
Authors’ contributions
Huijie Jiang conceived and designed the work that led to the submission. Mingyu Zhang and Hailong Xu evaluated images and
analyzed data. Mingyu Zhang and Hao Jiang measured and acquired data. All authors participated in paper writing and approved the
final manuscript.
The study was supported by the Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-year Plan
Period (Grant number 2015BAI01B09), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant number 81471736 and 81671760)
and Harbin Special Foundation for the Research of Scientific and Technological Innovation Talents (Grant number 2016RAXYJ063).
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