Rice Genomics and Genetics 2015, Vol.6, No.1, 1-5
the roots were blotted gently with a blotting paper to
remove any free surface moisture and then weighed
immediately. For dry weight, the roots and shoots
were dried in an oven set to low heat (50°C)
overnight, and then cooled in a dry environment.
Once cooled, weighed on a scale. The thickness of
the root crown was measured using a vernier caliper.
3.3 Statistical analysis
The data was subsequently analyzed using OPSTAT
) to determine the
variability and phenotypic (r) correlation coefficient
analysis. Phenotypic correlation coefficients were
tested against standardized tabulated significant
value of r with (n–2) degree of freedom as per the
procedure (Fisher and Yates, 1963).
3.4 Molecular characterization and QTLmapping
A total of 94 F
plants selected on the basis of root
traits, grain weight and grain yield (15% best and
15% worst) covering the entire range of these
phenotypic traits were used for identification and
mapping of QTLs associated with traits promoting
aerobic adaptation. DNA was isolated from the leaf
tissues of F
plants using CTAB DNA isolation
(Saghai-Maroof et al., 1984). Molecular marker
analysis was carried out using 125 polymorphic SSR
primers by ethidium bromide stained polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis (PAGE). PCR products from
SSR analysis were scored visually for presence or
absence of bands; data was scored as 1 (present) and
0 (absent) for each of the SSR locus. Genetic
similarities between the genotypes were measured
by the similarity coefficient based on the proportion
of shared electromorphs using ‘Simqual’ sub-program
of NTSYS-PC (Version 2.02 Exeter Software,
Setauket, NY, USA) package (Rohlf, 1993). The
resultant distance matrix data was used for
two-dimensional scaling of rice genotypes using
two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis
(PCA). QTL analysis was done by using Win QTL
cartographer version 2.5 (Shengchu Wang, Christopher
J. Basten and Zhao-Bang Zeng, 2012,
ncsu.edu/qtlcart/WQTLCart.htm) via composite
interval mapping (CIM). The threshold log likelihood
ratio (LOD) score was estimated empirically with
300 times permutations at a significant level of
Author’s contributions
AK was involved in the conception of the experiment,
analysis, interpretation of the data, and drafting the article
and final approval of the version to be published; NS was
involved in revising manuscript content critically and final
approval of the version to be published; SJ was involved with
the analysis, interpretation of the data, in the critical revision
of the manuscript and final approval of the version to be
published; RKJ was involved in the design of the experiment,
the critical revision of the manuscript and final approval of
the version to be published.
The authors thank the Department of Science and Technology,
New Delhi, India (DST No. SR/SO/PS/0041/2009), for
providing financial support for this study.
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