Genomics and Applied Biology, 2010, Vol.1, No.1
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representing the three density classes and the range of
species present were collected in the field and brought
back to the lab for density (dry weight per green
volume) determination.
3.2 Laboratory Methods
Grab samples were taken of all woody, herbaceous,
and forest litter samples for the purpose of
determining moisture content. These grab samples
were oven-dried at 60
for 72 hours or until constant
weight was ach-ieved, so that the oven-dry weight of
woody, herbaceous, and forest litter material could be
Coarse woody debris samples were likewise dried in
ovens at 60
for 72 hours, or until constant weight
was achieved. For each density class of deadwood, the
volume was calculated separately as follows: Volume
dn2)/8L], where d1, d2,
etc=diameters of intersecting pieces of dead wood and
L=length of the line (Brown et al., 2004). Density was
calculated with the formula: Density=mass (g)/volume
(cm3); where: mass=the mass of the oven-dried
sample; volume=π×(average diameter/2)2×average
length of the sample. In cases where it was difficult to
determine dimensions due to state of decay, the water
displacement method was used to determine volume.
At least 0.04 g of sample and usually more was
collected from representative samples of woody,
herbaceous, and forest litter material the purpose of
determining carbon content. These carbon samples
were ground in a Wiley mill to pass a 2 mm sieve, and
carbon analysis was run on an Elementar Americas,
Inc., Vario Max Carbon Nitrogen Combustion
Analyzer, with a procedure described in the
international standard publication ISO10694:1995 (E).
The amount of carbon measured in the samples by this
method was expressed in units of percent carbon by
dry weight.
3.3 Statistical Methods
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed on the
data to determine differences among the treatments
and the control. Duncan's multiple range test about the
means was used to determine significant differences
(p=0.05) of fuel loading and carbon between
treatments and the control.
The authors wish to acknowledge the Ohio Depar- tment of
Natural Resources, Division of Forestry for their cooperation
and assistance with this study.
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