
Molecular Entomology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-7 6 The disappearance of forests poses new challenges to the genetic diversity and adaptability of butterfly populations. The original lush forest environment not only provided sufficient food resources for butterflies, but also ideal breeding sites. Deforestation has gradually weakened these conditions, posing a threat to the survival of butterflies. 4.3 Possible effects of global warming on butterfly distribution and wing patterns Global warming is an issue of great concern today, with potentially far-reaching effects on the distribution and wing patterns of butterfly populations. Warming has led to changes in temperature and humidity in many regions, which pose new challenges to butterfly habitats. On the one hand, rising temperatures may lead to a reduction in the habitat of some butterfly species as they are unable to adapt to the new climatic conditions. On the other hand, climate change may prompt some butterfly species to expand their ranges in search of more suitable habitats. This will trigger competition between different species, creating new pressures on the evolution of wing patterns (Mortazavi and Moloodpoor, 2021) 4.4 Potential impacts of extreme weather events Climate change is also accompanied by an increase in extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods and hurricanes. These extreme weather events may have a direct impact on the survival of butterfly populations and the formation of wing patterns. For example, droughts may cause herbaceous plants in butterfly habitats to die out, reducing the butterflies' food source and thus affecting their reproduction and survival. Meanwhile, floods may destroy butterfly eggs and larvae, reducing the birth rate of new generations. Overall, the impact of climate change on butterfly wing patterns is a comprehensive issue that requires a concerted effort by the global community to address in order to protect this unique and beautiful creature. 5 Summary and Outlook The evolution of butterfly wing patterns is a complex and fascinating process involving the interaction of multiple ecological, evolutionary, and genetic factors (Zhang and Fang, 2019). This study delves into the diversity of butterfly wing patterns, evolutionary mechanisms, and associations with ecological functions. In terms of evolutionary theories and models, this study reviewed the classical theories on the evolution of butterfly wing patterns in evolutionary biology and introduced new models that have emerged in recent years. Among the factors affecting evolution, this study explored the association between survival advantage and reproductive success, as well as the potential effects of external environmental stress on the evolution of wing patterns. For the diversity of butterfly wing patterns, this study compares the differences between species and between individuals within the same species, and also investigates the territorial differences in butterfly wing patterns in different geographical regions. Future butterfly wing pattern research can leverage advanced technological innovations and research methods to increase the depth and breadth of research. Among them, molecular biology techniques such as genomics and transcriptomics can help researchers gain a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of butterfly wing patterns and reveal the association between genes and phenotypes. Meanwhile, the application of advanced imaging techniques and mathematical models will provide more detailed information on the three-dimensional structure and evolution of wing patterns. In order to conserve butterfly diversity, one needs to adopt a comprehensive strategy. First of all, the protection of butterfly habitats should be strengthened, especially by formulating sustainable development policies with regard to urbanization and agricultural expansion. In this process, an ecological compensation mechanism can be adopted to compensate for habitat damage. Secondly, monitoring and response to climate change should be strengthened. A global cooperation mechanism should be established to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the rate of climate change. At the same time, corresponding protection strategies should be formulated for butterfly groups in different regions to ensure that they can adapt to the new climate environment. In addition,