
Molecular Entomology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 32-42 39 increase costs (Smith, 2020). Additionally, the economic returns on investment can vary depending on the region and the prevalence of specific pests. For instance, the deployment of resistant varieties in regions heavily affected by brown planthopper (BPH) can lead to significant economic benefits by reducing yield losses and the need for insecticides. However, the economic impact of resistant varieties must be evaluated in the context of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies to ensure long-term sustainability and profitability (Horgan and Peñalver-Cruz, 2022). 4.3 Environmental impact The environmental impact of genetically modified (GM) and conventionally bred resistant rice varieties is a crucial aspect of sustainability. Conventional breeding approaches have been central to integrated pest management, offering an ecologically viable solution to biotic constraints (Dash, 2020). However, the excessive use of chemical-based pesticides in conjunction with resistant varieties can lead to soil fertility reduction and the development of pesticide-resistant insect populations (Kapoor et al., 2020). The use of molecular tools, such as RNAi-based gene silencing and CRISPR-based genome editing, offers potential for more targeted and environmentally friendly pest control methods. Nevertheless, the long-term ecological effects of these technologies need to be thoroughly assessed. The combination of genomics and genetic engineering can improve natural plant resistance, but it is essential to consider the potential risks and benefits to ensure sustainable agricultural practices (Bentur et al., 2021). While significant progress has been made in understanding and developing insect-resistant rice varieties, several technical, economic, and environmental challenges remain. Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach, integrating advanced molecular techniques with traditional breeding methods and considering the broader economic and ecological impacts. 5 Future Perspectives 5.1 Research gaps Despite significant advancements in understanding the genetic mechanisms of insect resistance in rice, several research gaps remain. One critical area needing further exploration is the identification and functional characterization of additional resistance genes. While many genes have been identified, the complexity of insect-rice interactions suggests that numerous other genes and pathways are yet to be discovered (Du et al., 2020). Additionally, there is a need for more comprehensive studies on the stability and durability of resistance genes under field conditions, as environmental factors can significantly influence gene expression and effectiveness (Radchenko et al., 2022). Another gap is the limited understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance to less-studied pests, such as leaf folders and stem borers, which also cause substantial yield losses (Bentur et al., 2021). Furthermore, the integration of resistance genes into high-yielding and locally adapted rice varieties remains a challenge that requires more focused breeding efforts (Kapoor et al., 2020). 5.2 Emerging technologies Emerging technologies in genetics and breeding hold great promise for transforming rice pest management. CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing is one such technology that allows precise modifications of resistance genes, potentially leading to the development of rice varieties with enhanced and durable resistance to multiple pests (Bentur et al., 2021). Single-cell RNA sequencing is another innovative approach that can provide detailed insights into the cellular and molecular responses of rice to insect attacks, enabling the identification of novel resistance mechanisms and targets for genetic improvement (Zha et al., 2023). Additionally, RNA interference (RNAi) technology offers a promising strategy for silencing essential genes in pests, thereby reducing their ability to damage rice plants. The integration of these advanced molecular tools with traditional breeding methods can accelerate the development of insect-resistant rice varieties (Yang et al., 2020). 5.3 Global impact The development of insect-resistant rice varieties has profound global implications for food security and