
Molecular Entomology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 32-42 38 The findings of Li et al., (2021) indicate a complex and multifaceted response of plants to pathogen or pest attacks. The visual data illustrate various biological processes and molecular mechanisms that are activated during such interactions. The involvement of different genes and pathways, including those related to stress response, signaling, metabolic functions, and defensive mechanisms, is evident. The graphical representation underscores the intricate network of reactions within the plant cells, highlighting the critical roles of specific cellular components and regulatory pathways. This comprehensive depiction emphasizes the importance of understanding the dynamic and interconnected nature of plant defense systems to develop effective strategies for crop protection and improvement. The Bph38 gene from Oryza rufipogon Griff. was also assessed for its impact on agronomic traits and pest resistance. Near-isogenic lines carrying this gene showed strong resistance to both brown planthopper and white-backed planthopper, with agronomic traits similar to the recurrent parents. This indicates that the gene can be effectively introgressed into elite rice varieties without compromising yield or other desirable traits (Yang et al., 2020). 3.3 Pilot Projects Pilot projects have been conducted to test the scalability and practicality of deploying genetically modified rice in different agricultural settings. One such project involved the large-scale production and release of BPH-resistant rice varieties in various rice-growing regions. These varieties, developed through conventional breeding and molecular approaches, have shown durable resistance to multiple BPH biotypes, demonstrating their scalability and effectiveness in real-world conditions (Haliru et al., 2020). Another pilot project focused on the use of CRISPR/Cas9 genome modification technology to understand and enhance insecticide resistance in rice. This project highlighted the potential of genome editing tools to develop rice varieties with improved resistance to insect pests, providing a scalable and practical approach for future breeding programs (Douris et al., 2020). A third pilot project examined the genetic diversity and resistance of farmer's varieties (FVs) of rice in Odisha, India, against brown planthopper biotype-4. The study identified several resistant FVs and suggested that these could be used to develop robust resistant rice varieties through genomic approaches. This project demonstrated the feasibility of using local germplasm resources to enhance pest resistance in rice (Anant et al., 2021). By integrating these successful modifications, impact assessments, and pilot projects, the systematic study highlights the potential of genetic mechanisms and breeding approaches in developing rice varieties with enhanced resistance to insect pests. These efforts contribute to sustainable rice production and improved food security. 4 Challenges and Limitations in Current Research 4.1 Technical challenges Current genetic research and breeding for insect resistance in rice face several technical challenges. One significant limitation is the complexity of the genetic mechanisms underlying resistance. The identification and cloning of resistance genes, such as the 14 genes identified through map-based cloning, require extensive resources and time (Du et al., 2020). Additionally, the continuous evolution of insect pests and the emergence of new biotypes necessitate ongoing research to identify new resistance genes and understand their mechanisms (Yang et al., 2020). The lack of efficient insect rearing and varietal screening protocols further complicates the breeding process (Dash, 2020). Moreover, the genetic homogeneity of crops can accelerate the adaptive microevolution of pests, making it challenging to maintain durable resistance (Radchenko et al., 2022). 4.2 Economic viability The economic viability of developing and deploying resistant rice varieties is a critical consideration. While the incorporation of host-plant resistance is a cost-effective alternative to chemical control, the initial investment in research and development can be substantial (Mishra et al., 2022). The use of advanced molecular approaches, such as genotyping by sequencing and high-throughput phenotyping, can expedite the breeding process but also