
Molecular Entomology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 23-31 25 2.2 Key agents and their targets Several natural enemies have been identified as key agents in the biological control of sugarcane pests. Trichogramma chilonis, for example, has been extensively used in India for the control of various borers, with mass multiplication and field evaluation practices dating back to the early 20th century (Sharma et al., 2020). Other notable agents include Cotesia flavipes, which has been successfully used in Brazil to control the sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis, covering extensive areas and demonstrating high efficiency (Maneerat et al., 2017). Additionally, entomopathogens such as Beauveria brongniartii and Bacillus thuringiensis have shown promise in controlling pests like the white grub and other sugarcane soil-dwelling insects (Srikanth, 2016). 2.3 Field efficacy and economic benefits The field efficacy of augmentative biological control methods has been well-documented. Studies have shown that fields treated with biocontrol agents exhibit significantly lower pest incidence compared to untreated fields, leading to higher yields and better economic returns. In China, the use of dominant natural enemies has not only increased yield but also reduced environmental pollution and production costs, highlighting the socio-economic benefits of BC. Furthermore, the integration of habitat augmentation strategies, such as the inclusion of lac cultivation (Figure 1), has been proposed to enhance the sustainability and effectiveness of BC by providing additional resources for natural enemies (Parra and Coelho, 2022). In conclusion, augmentative biological control methods offer a sustainable and economically viable alternative to chemical pesticides for managing sugarcane pests. The mass rearing and release of natural enemies, identification of key agents, and field efficacy studies underscore the potential of these methods to improve pest management practices and promote environmental sustainability. Figure 1 shows the biological control process of Murraya paniculata using Tamarixia radiata. The egg laying cage is a place where six jasmine plants and 300 adult Murraya paniculata are placed together for 7 days to lay eggs; Plant allocation involves dividing egg bearing plants into two groups, with 30% allocated for adult development and 70% allocated for development to the 4-5 instar nymph stage. During the developmental stage, 30% of plants develop their eggs into nymphs and then into adults, which are used to continue feeding and cycling; 70% of plants have eggs that develop into 4-5 instar nymphs and are used for parasitism. The parasitic process involves placing 12 plants with 4-5 instar nymphs into cages, and releasing 1 Asian citrus psyllid per 20 nymphs. Remove adult Murraya paniculata after 24 hours of parasitism. Cut off branches with parasitic nymphs 9 days after parasitism. Parasitic bee collection and utilization involves placing branches into a dark collection box with a lamp and a 600 mL bottle at the top to collect adult insects. The collected adults are divided into two parts, 17% for continued feeding and 83% for wild release. The release location is located in commercial orchards or urban areas where Jiulixiang is used as an ornamental plant. Adults are placed in containers containing food (mixed with honey and pollen in a 1:1 ratio) and transported to the release site through an insulated box at a temperature of approximately 18 °C. This process helps to control the population of Murraya paniculata, thereby suppressing the spread of citrus yellow dragon disease. 3 Case Studies 3.1 Successful classical biological control Traditional pest control methods, such as chemical pesticides, pose environmental hazards and can disrupt beneficial insect populations. Consequently, biological control (BC) methods have emerged as sustainable alternatives, offering eco-friendly solutions to manage sugarcane pests effectively. Biological control involves the use of natural enemies, such as parasitoids, predators, and pathogens, to suppress pest populations. This approach has been successfully implemented in various regions, demonstrating its potential to enhance pest management in sugarcane cultivation.