
Molecular Entomology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 18-22 22 Acknowledgments I am sincerely grateful to the journal Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America for providing an open access paper policy to its wide readership, which allows me to share the latest academic progress of this research with a wide audience. In addition, I would like to thank all the scholars who have been working quietly in the academic field for their hard work and tireless efforts to promote the progress and innovation of academic research. Their hard work is the key to the success of this study, and their efforts have made such dissemination of knowledge possible, which in turn promotes the public's understanding of and interest in science. Disclaimer/Publishing House Statement The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publications represent only individual authors and contributors themselves, and do not represent the views of the publishing house and/or its editors. The publishing house and/or its editors shall not be liable for any harm or damage to persons or property that may arise from the viewpoints, methods, guidance, or products discussed in the application content. The publishing house maintains neutrality in its jurisdictional requirements and institutional relationships regarding published maps.