
Molecular Entomology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 18-22 21 3 Evaluation of the Research This study successfully demonstrated the potential of Trametinib in extending the lifespan and improving the gut health of female Drosophila, providing strong evidence to support the use of the drug in anti-aging therapy. By exploring in detail how Trametinib works by affecting Pol III activity in intestinal stem cells, the study not only revealed its mechanism of action, but also emphasized the impact of gender differences on the drug's effects. However, the results of the study were mainly limited to female Drosophila, and its effects in male Drosophila and other biological models are unclear, potentially limiting its widespread application. Future studies are needed to validate these findings in additional models to more fully assess the potential of Trametinib as an anti-aging treatment in humans. This study provides an important biological rationale for the further development and application of Trametinib. Figure 5 The Ras/MAPK-Maf1-Pol III axis mediates the life-extending effect of trametinib in ISCs, Graphical model representing the mechanism of action of trametinib in ISCs 4 Concluding Remarks The mechanism of action for prolonging lifespan and improving intestinal health through inhibition of RNA polymerase III (Pol III) activity in intestinal stem cells was clarified by systematically analyzing the anti-aging effects of Trametinib in a female Drosophila model through the study of Enric Ureña et al. The findings emphasize the importance of gender in drug action, revealing that Trametinib is highly effective in female individuals and less effective in male Drosophila. These findings provide a scientific basis for the use of Trametinib as a potential anti-aging therapeutic option and suggest new research directions for the development and application of related drugs in the future. Although further validation of these results in a wider range of biological models is required, this study has provided valuable insights into understanding and utilizing the potential of existing drugs in anti-aging therapy. 5 Access Original Paper Ureña Enric et al. Trametinib ameliorates aging-associated gut pathology in Drosophila females by reducing Pol III activity in intestinal stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 121, Issue 4, e2311313121.