
Molecular Entomology 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-7 7 promote education and public participation to raise people's awareness of butterfly conservation. Through popularization of science activities, establishment of protected areas and promotion of regulations, the whole society can form a synergy for the conservation of butterfly diversity (Alweshah et al., 2020). In conclusion, the in-depth study of butterfly wing patterns not only expands people's understanding of biological evolution, but also provides scientific support for ecological conservation. Through technological innovation and comprehensive conservation strategies, it is expected that this unique and beautiful creature can be conserved and contribute to the sustainable development of biodiversity. References Alweshah M., Khalaileh S.A., Gupta B.B., Almomani A., Hammouri A.I., and Azmi Al-Betar M., 2020, The monarch butterfly optimization algorithm for solving feature selection problems, Neural Computing and Applications, 27: 1-15. Duan M.Y., Zhu H., Qu Y.K., Wang W.H., Jiang S.Q. Yuan K., and Ren B.Z., 2023, Diversity of butterfly communities in different habitats in Songnen Plain and conservation suggestions, Shengtai Xuebao (Acta Ecologica Sinica), 43(18):7682-7692. Han D., Han C.H., Wang C., She J.Y., Bian Q., Han W.J., and Yin L.Q., 2023, Butterfly diversity and dominant species niche in different urbanization zones of beijing, Zhongguo Chengshi Linye (Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry), 21(5): 74-81. Hao S.L., Xue Q.Q., Feng D.D., Li X.F., Liu Y., Zhang Z.W., and Men L.N., 2019, Comparative study on butterfly diversity and niche difference in mountainous region of southern shanxi province, Shengtai yu Nongcun Huanjing Xuebao (Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment), 35(10): 1314-1321. Li F., Zhao K.X., Yan C.Y., Yan J.W., Xing J.C., and Xie B.L., 2023, Identification of butterfly species in the natural environment based on residual network, Kunchong Xuebao (Acta Entomologica Sinica), 66(3): 409-418. Maheshwari P., Sharma A.K., and Verma K., 2021, Energy efficient cluster based routing protocol for wsn using butterfly optimization algorithm and ant colony optimization, Ad Hoc Networks, 110: 102317. Mortazavi A., and Moloodpoor M., 2021, Enhanced butterfly optimization algorithm with a new fuzzy regulator strategy and virtual butterfly concept, Knowledge-Based Systems, 228: 107291. Quan L.F., Yao Q., Dong Y.Z., Xu S., Chi Y.Y., and Chen B.X., 2023,Research progress and prospects of circadian clock in lepidoptera, Nongxue Xuebao (Journal of Agriculture), 13(9): 38-45. She J.Y., Han D., Wang C., Yin L.Q., Sun Z.K., and Han C.H., 2022, Butterfly diversity in pocket parks at urban core of beijing, 20(3): 1-6. Wang G.G., Deb S., and Cui Z., 2019, Monarch butterfly optimization, Neural computing and applications, 31: 1995-2014. Xie J.Y., Cao J.W., Ma L.B., Zhen W.Q., Chen Z.Y., Li X.D., Li H.H., and Xu S.Q., 2019, A dataset of butterfly ecological images for automatic species identification, Zhongguo Kexue Shuju Zhongyingwen Wangluoban (China Scientific Data), 4(3): 189-194. Zhang Y.H., Huang F., Tan X.Y., Xia Z.Q., He X.Y., and Wu G., 2022, Resource survey and diversity analysis of butterflies in huangmei county,hubei province, Zhiwu Baohu Xuebao (Journal of Plant Protection), 49(4): 1277-1278. Zhag Y.J., and Fang L.J., 2019, Evaluation on eco-environment in the danjiang river basin based on gis and butterfly diversity, Shijie Shengtaixue (International Journal of Ecology), 8(3): 223-232. Disclaimer/Publisher's Note The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and do not represent the views of the publishing house and/or its editors. The publisher and/or its editors disclaim all responsibility for any harm or damage to persons or property that may result from the application of ideas, methods, instructions, or products discussed in the content. Publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.