
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 204-214 210 to small chironomids. The study concluded that CO2-based traps could be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional insecticide spraying for mosquito control in urban areas (Marina et al., 2022). 6.2 Case study 2: use of drones for mosquito control in rural regions A pilot trial in Unguja island, Zanzibar, Tanzania, explored the use of drones for the aerial application of Aquatain Mosquito Formulation (AMF), a larvicidal surface film, in irrigated rice paddies (Bouyer et al., 2020). The study involved three treatments: control (drone spraying with water), drone spraying with 1 mL/m², and drone spraying with 5mL/m² of AMF. The results showed significant reductions in mosquito larvae and pupae, with over 90% fewer emerging adults compared to control paddies. The residual effect of AMF lasted for at least five weeks, with larval density reductions reaching 94.7% in week 5 and 99.4% in week 4 for the 1 and 5 mL/m² treatments, respectively. This study suggests that drones can effectively manage mosquito populations over large areas at a low cost, enhancing the role of larval source management in malaria control efforts (Poulin et al., 2017). 6.3 Results and observations The implementation of CO2-based traps in urban areas and the use of drones for mosquito control in rural regions have shown promising results (Stanton et al., 2020). The CO2-based traps in Camargue achieved a significant reduction in mosquito populations, particularly for Ochlerotatus caspius and Oc. detritus, with minimal environmental impact. On the other hand, the drone-based application of AMF in Zanzibar demonstrated a high efficacy in reducing mosquito larvae and pupae, with a prolonged residual effect, making it a viable option for large-scale mosquito control (Mukabana et al., 2022). Additionally, a study in southern Mexico compared ground release and drone-mediated aerial release of sterile Aedes aegypti males. The ground release method resulted in higher capture rates of sterile males, but the drone method provided quicker and more extensive coverage with fewer technicians required. However, modifications are needed to improve the efficiency and reduce the physical injury of mosquitoes during drone releases (Figure 3) (Marina et al., 2022). Another study in Brazil confirmed that drones could release sterile male mosquitoes without compromising their quality, ensuring homogeneous coverage and effective population suppression. These case studies highlight the potential of innovative physical and mechanical methods for mosquito control, offering effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional insecticide-based approaches. Marina et al. (2022) found that the spatial distribution and recapture rates of sterile Aedes aegypti males varied significantly depending on the release method used. The study compared ground and aerial releases in Hidalgo village, demonstrating that ground release resulted in higher concentrations of recaptures within certain localized areas, suggesting a more clustered distribution of sterile males. In contrast, aerial release led to a more dispersed distribution of recaptures, covering a broader area but with fewer males recaptured per unit area. This suggests that while aerial release may cover larger areas, ground release might be more effective in creating dense populations of sterile males in targeted zones, potentially improving the efficacy of mosquito population suppression efforts. The findings highlight the importance of selecting an appropriate release method based on the specific objectives of mosquito control programs. 7 Future Directions 7.1 Potential for integration with biological control methods The integration of innovative physical and mechanical methods with biological control strategies presents a promising avenue for sustainable mosquito management. Biological control agents, such as fish, amphibians, copepods, and entomopathogenic bacteria, have shown potential in reducing mosquito populations without the adverse effects associated with chemical insecticides (Benelli et al., 2016). Combining these biological agents with novel physical methods, such as the use of green-fabricated nanoparticles, could enhance the efficacy of mosquito control programs. For instance, nanoparticles can reduce the motility of mosquito larvae, making them more susceptible to predation by biological control agents (Rose, 2001). Additionally, genetic control technologies, including the release of sterile or genetically modified mosquitoes, can be integrated with biological control to create a multifaceted approach that targets multiple stages of the mosquito lifecycle.