
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 204-214 209 5 Effectiveness and Challenges 5.1 Comparative analysis of physical and mechanical methods Physical and mechanical methods for mosquito control have shown varying degrees of effectiveness. For instance, the use of nanoparticles synthesized through plant-mediated processes has demonstrated significant potential in controlling mosquito populations. These nanoparticles are effective at very low doses and can act as toxic agents against mosquito larvae and as oviposition deterrents for adults. However, challenges such as understanding the precise mechanisms of action and the potential environmental impact of residual nanoparticles remain (Bouyer et al., 2020). The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is another promising method. It involves releasing sterilized male mosquitoes to reduce the population over time. This technique has been successfully applied in agricultural pest management and is now being adapted for mosquito control. However, the implementation of SIT requires careful planning and phased conditional approaches to ensure its success (Benelli et al., 2017). Mechanical methods, such as the use of portable devices for larva suction, have also been developed. These devices have shown high efficiency in laboratory and field tests, significantly reducing the presence of larvae in water containers. This method is particularly effective in areas with limited access to clean water (Anders et al., 2018). 5.2 Field studies and laboratory results Field studies and laboratory results have provided valuable insights into the effectiveness of various mosquito control methods. For example, the AWED trial in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, tested the deployment of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes to reduce dengue incidence. The study used a cluster-randomized controlled trial design and showed promising results in reducing dengue virus transmission (Jones et al., 2020). Laboratory tests of the portable Aedes Sp larvae suction device demonstrated its effectiveness in capturing larvae quickly and efficiently. Field tests further confirmed its utility in reducing larval density in household water containers, making it a practical tool for community-based mosquito control. The use of SIT has also been evaluated in various pilot studies. These studies emphasize the importance of integrating stakeholder engagement, selecting suitable field sites, and building a robust vector management strategy to ensure the success of SIT programs (Oliva et al., 2021). 5.3 Challenges in implementation Despite the promising results, several challenges hinder the widespread implementation of these innovative mosquito control methods. One major challenge is the development of resistance in mosquito populations. Traditional insecticide-based methods have led to significant resistance, necessitating the development of alternative strategies (Benelli et al., 2016). Another challenge is the environmental impact of new control methods. For instance, the use of nanoparticles raises concerns about their fate in aquatic environments and potential toxicity to non-target organisms. Standardizing the chemical composition of botanical products used in nanoparticle synthesis and optimizing production processes are crucial steps to address these concerns. The implementation of SIT and other genetic control methods also faces challenges related to public acceptance and regulatory approval. Transparent communication and stakeholder engagement are essential to address safety and efficacy concerns and to gain public support (Benelli and Beier, 2017). In conclusion, while innovative physical and mechanical methods for mosquito control show great promise, their effectiveness and implementation are subject to various challenges. Continued research, stakeholder engagement, and careful planning are essential to overcome these obstacles and achieve sustainable mosquito control (Pascawati and Satoto, 2023). 6 Case Study 6.1 Case study 1: implementation of CO2-based traps in urban areas In Camargue, France, a study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of CO2-based mosquito traps as an alternative to insecticide spraying. Sixteen Techno Bam traps emitting CO2 and using octenol lures were deployed in a village of 600 inhabitants from April to November 2016. The traps achieved an overall performance rate of 70%, significantly reducing the populations of Ochlerotatus caspius and Oc. detritus by 74% and 98%, respectively (Hoshi et al., 2019). However, the traps were less effective against Anopheles hyrcanus, capturing only 46% of this species. The environmental impact was minimal, with non-target insect captures mostly limited