
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 204-214 206 the SolarMal project, which employs odor-baited traps powered by solar panels to attract and capture Anopheles mosquitoes, aiming to reduce malaria transmission in Western Kenya (Okumu et al., 2010). These studies highlight the potential of attractant-baited traps as an environmentally friendly and effective method for mosquito control. Figure 1 The BG-Mosquitaire CO2 trap and its operation (Adopted from Knols et al., 2023) Image caption: (A) An adapter (1) converts power from the mains to 12 V DC (0.3 A, 3.6 W) that provides power to a fan (2) located inside the trap. Suction (ca. 3 m/s) by the fan creates an inward airflow (3) through the black trap inlet (4) and the catch bag (5, see (B)), and odor-laden air (with lactic acid emanating from a sachet) (6) leaves the trap via its perforated white top. Carbon dioxide is provided though 6 mm plastic tubing (7) and released from a nozzle at the top of the trap (8). (B) The inlet (1) of the trap has two netting bags attached to it, a so-called funnel bag (2), which prevents mosquitoes from flying upward, and the catch bag (3). Both bags (4) are fitted on the inlet (5) using an elastic string. (C) A trap in the field, fitted with a roof (1) to prevent rain from entering the trap. The 5 L water bottle (2) with water, sugar, and yeast to produce CO2 is located next to the trap. A 1.5 L overflow bottle (3) prevents liquid/foam from this mixture to enter the tubes and nozzle that might otherwise get clogged and disrupt the flow of CO2. Tubes are fitted to the polyethylene bottle tops using hot glue. All dimensions are in cm (Adopted from Knols et al., 2023) Knols et al. (2023) found that the BG-Mosquitaire CO2 trap is an effective tool for attracting and capturing mosquitoes by utilizing a combination of carbon dioxide and lactic acid as attractants. The trap's design, which includes a fan to create airflow and a catch bag to contain the mosquitoes, ensures that the insects are efficiently captured without escape. The addition of a roof protects the trap from environmental factors such as rain, enhancing its durability and effectiveness in field conditions. Moreover, the use of a CO2-producing system based on a water, sugar, and yeast mixture, along with an overflow bottle to prevent clogging, ensures a steady and consistent release of CO2, which is crucial for the trap's operation. This system presents a practical and cost-effective solution for mosquito control in various environments.