
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 195-203 198 4 Case Study: Climate and Environmental Changes in Mosquito Population Dynamics 4.1 Case study 1: the impact of rising temperatures onAedes aegypti in Southeast Asia Rising temperatures due to climate change have significant implications for the population dynamics of Aedes aegypti, a primary vector for dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses. Studies have shown that temperature influences various aspects of Aedes aegypti's life cycle, including development rates, survival, and biting frequency. For instance, the development rate of Aedes aegypti larvae and pupae increases with temperature up to a certain threshold, beyond which it declines sharply. This relationship suggests that moderate increases in temperature could enhance mosquito population growth and disease transmission potential in Southeast Asia, where temperatures are generally within the optimal range for Aedes aegypti development (Eisen et al., 2014). Moreover, climate models predict that rising temperatures will expand the geographic range of Aedes aegypti, potentially exposing new populations to vector-borne diseases (Afrane et al., 2012). This expansion is particularly concerning in regions with limited public health infrastructure to manage outbreaks. Therefore, understanding the temperature-dependent dynamics of Aedes aegypti is crucial for predicting and mitigating the impacts of climate change on mosquito-borne diseases in Southeast Asia. 4.2 Case study 2: urbanization and anopheles mosquito populations in Sub-Saharan Africa Urbanization is a significant driver of changes in mosquito population dynamics, particularly for Anopheles mosquitoes, which are vectors for malaria. Rapid urban growth, unplanned expansion, and increased human population density create favorable conditions for mosquito breeding and disease transmission. A systematic review found a consistent association between urbanization and the distribution and density of Aedes mosquitoes, with higher human population densities correlating with increased levels of arboviral diseases. Although this review focused on Aedes mosquitoes, similar mechanisms likely apply to Anopheles mosquitoes in urban settings. In Sub-Saharan Africa, urbanization can lead to the creation of artificial breeding sites, such as stagnant water in construction areas and poorly managed waste disposal systems, which support the proliferation of Anopheles mosquitoes (Kolimenakis et al., 2021). Additionally, changes in land use, such as deforestation and agricultural expansion, can alter local microclimates, further influencing mosquito populations. These environmental changes can enhance the vectorial capacity of Anopheles mosquitoes, increasing the risk of malaria transmission in urban areas. 4.3 Case study 3: agricultural expansion and culex mosquitoes in South America Agricultural expansion is another critical factor affecting mosquito population dynamics, particularly for Culex mosquitoes, which are vectors for diseases such as West Nile virus and lymphatic filariasis. In Latin America, land-use changes, including deforestation and the conversion of natural habitats into agricultural land, have been shown to influence mosquito abundance and species composition (Figure 2) (Fletcher et al., 2023). For example, deforestation can create new breeding sites by altering water flow and increasing the availability of standing water, which is essential for mosquito larval development. A comprehensive analysis of mosquito responses to land-use changes in Latin America and the Caribbean revealed that agricultural areas often support higher mosquito abundances compared to natural habitats. This increase in mosquito populations can elevate the risk of disease transmission, particularly in regions undergoing rapid agricultural development. Understanding the impact of agricultural expansion on Culex mosquitoes is crucial for designing effective vector control strategies and mitigating the public health risks associated with these environmental changes. In summary, climate and environmental changes, including rising temperatures, urbanization, and agricultural expansion, significantly impact mosquito population dynamics and disease transmission. These case studies highlight the need for integrated approaches to manage mosquito populations and reduce the burden of vector-borne diseases in affected regions (Ryan et al., 2017). Fletcher et al. (2023) found that the biodiversity of Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes across Latin America and the Caribbean is influenced by different land-use types, with a notable number of species present in both urban and primary vegetation areas. Their analysis shows a significant concentration of research sites within the Amazon basin, highlighting the region's ecological importance in maintaining mosquito diversity. Furthermore,