
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 195-203 197 breeding sites of these mosquitoes, potentially affecting the dynamics of mosquito-borne disease transmission in these regions. The study underscores the importance of targeted mosquito control efforts in urban areas to mitigate the risk of vector-borne diseases, which are likely concentrated in these densely populated zones. Figure 1 Map displaying the distribution of immature mosquitoes collected in Miami-Dade County, Florida for (A) larvae and (B) Pupae (Adopted from Wilke et al., 2019) Image caption: Each color represents a mosquito species. Urban areas are displayed in gray. The figure was produced using ArcGIS 10.2 (Esri, Redlands, CA), using freely available layers from the Miami-Dade County’s Open Data Hub (Adopted from Wilke et al., 2019) 3.2 Agricultural practices and land use changes Agricultural practices and land use changes, such as deforestation and urban development, also influence mosquito populations by altering their habitats. In Latin America and the Caribbean, land-use changes have led to varying responses among mosquito species. While some species like Aedes aegypti thrive in urban areas, others show a decline in species richness (Hunt et al., 2017). In the Kapiti region of New Zealand, land use changes from native forests to urban and pasture lands have resulted in higher mosquito densities, particularly in artificial containers and stock drinking troughs. These changes in land use not only create new habitats for mosquitoes but also modify the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of existing habitats, further influencing mosquito population dynamics. For example, increased levels of bacteria and dissolved organic carbon in water bodies are positively correlated with mosquito density. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for developing effective mosquito control measures in agricultural and urbanized landscapes. 3.3 Pollution and its effects on mosquito populations Pollution, particularly nutrient pollution and chemical use, has significant effects on mosquito populations (Leisnham et al., 2005). Eutrophication, or nutrient pollution, can enhance mosquito survival and development rates. Experiments have shown that increased levels of eutrophication positively impact mosquito survival and egg-laying behavior, while salinity has a negative effect, especially at higher temperatures (Townroe and Callaghan, 2014). The historical use of chemicals like DDT has also influenced mosquito populations. In North America, the decline in residual environmental DDT concentrations has been correlated with a tenfold increase in mosquito populations over the last five decades (Boerlijst et al., 2022). These findings highlight the complex interactions between pollution and mosquito population dynamics, suggesting that both nutrient pollution and chemical residues can have profound and lasting impacts on mosquito communities. Effective mosquito control strategies must therefore consider the role of pollution in shaping mosquito habitats and populations. By examining the interplay between urbanization, agricultural practices, land use changes, and pollution, we can better understand the factors driving mosquito population dynamics and develop more targeted and effective control measures to reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases (Fletcher et al., 2023).