
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 184-194 192 The future of research and data sharing in the field of mosquito-borne diseases hinges on the continued commitment to global collaboration and innovation. Advancements in remote sensing, system dynamics modeling, and genetic engineering hold promise for more effective disease control and prevention. However, addressing the challenges posed by climate change, urbanization, and socio-economic disparities requires a holistic approach that integrates scientific research with policy and community engagement. By fostering a culture of open data sharing and collaborative research, the global community can better anticipate and respond to emerging threats, ultimately reducing the burden of mosquito-borne diseases worldwide. Acknowledgments Author is deeply grateful to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their insightful feedback on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Achee N., Grieco J., Vatandoost H., Seixas G., Pinto J., Ching-Ng L., Martins A., Juntarajumnong W., Corbel V., Gouagna C., David, J., Logan J., Orsborne J., Marois E., Devine G., and Vontas J., 2019, Alternative strategies for mosquito-borne arbovirus control, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13: 22. Agboli E., Zahouli J., Badolo A., and Jöst H., 2021, Mosquito-associated viruses and their related mosquitoes in west africa, Viruses, 13: 91-98. Bardosh K., Jean L., Rochars V., Lemoine J., Okech B., Ryan S., Welburn S., and Morris J., 2017, Polisye kont moustik: a culturally competent approach to larval source reduction in the context of lymphatic filariasis and malaria elimination in haiti, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2: 33-39. Benelli G., and Mehlhorn H., 2016, Declining malaria, rising of dengue and zika virus: insights for mosquito vector control, Parasitology Research, 115: 1747-1754. Bogoch I., Brady O., Kraemer M., German M., Creatore M., Brent S., Watts A., Hay S., Kulkarni M., Brownstein J., and Khan K., 2016, Potential for zika virus introduction and transmission in resource-limited countries in africa and the asia-pacific region: a modelling study, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 16(11): 1237-1245. Brugueras S., Martínez B., Puente J., Figuerola J., Porro T., Rius C., Larrauri A., and Gómez-Barroso D., 2020, Environmental drivers, climate change and emergent diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and their vectors in southern europe: a systematic review, Environmental Research, 1100: 38. Buchwald A., Hayden M., Dadzie S., Paull S., and Carlton E., 2020, Aedes-borne disease outbreaks in west africa: a call for enhanced surveillance, Acta Tropica, 10: 5468. Carney R., Mapes C., Low R., Long A., Bowser A., Durieux D., Rivera K., Dekramanjian B., Bartumeus F., Guerrero D., Seltzer C., Azam F., Chellappan S., and Palmer J., 2022, Integrating global citizen science platforms to enable next-generation surveillance of invasive and vector mosquitoes, Insects, 13: 58-90. Chan E., Sham T., Shahzada T., Dubois C., Huang Z., Liu S., Hung K., Tse S., Kwok K., Chung P., Kayano R., and Shaw R., 2020, Narrative review on health-edrm primary prevention measures for vector-borne diseases, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17: 65. Colón-González F., Sewe M., Tompkins A., Sjödin H., Casallas A., Rocklöv J., Caminade C., and Lowe R., 2021, Projecting the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in a warmer and more populated world: a multi-model, multi-scenario intercomparison modelling study, The Lancet Planetary Health, 5: e404-e414. Fambirai T., Chimbari M., and Ndarukwa P., 2022, Global cross-border malaria control collaborative initiatives: a scoping review, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19: 21-27. Fernandes J., Moise I., Maranto G., and Beier J., 2018, Revamping mosquito-borne disease control to tackle future threats, Trends in Parasitology, 34(5): 359-368. Fonseca V., Xavier J., James S., Oliveira T., Filippis A., Alcântara L., and Giovanetti M., 2019, Mosquito-borne viral diseases: control and prevention in the genomics era, Vector-Borne Diseases-Recent Developments in Epidemiology and Control, 7: 67-69.