
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 161-171 161 Review and Progress Open Access Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Mosquito Monitoring Jun Xu, Xiaoyun Wang, Yulin Zhou Animal Science Research Center, Cuixi Academy of Biotechnology, Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China Corresponding author: Journal of Mosquito Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.3 doi: 10.5376/jmr.2024.14.0016 Received: 21 Apr., 2024 Accepted: 09 Jun., 2024 Published: 27 Jun., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Xu et al., This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Xu J., and Wang X.Y., and Zhou Y.L., 2024, Applications of geographic information systems in mosquito monitoring, Journal of Mosquito Research, 14(3): 161-171 (doi: 10.5376/jmr.2024.14.0016) Abstract Mosquito monitoring is crucial for controlling and preventing mosquito-borne diseases. GIS technology has transformative potential in enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of mosquito surveillance, providing robust technical support for the management and prevention of these diseases. This study introduces commonly used GIS software and tools, highlighting their advantages in environmental monitoring. It analyzes the specific applications of GIS in mosquito monitoring, including the collection and integration of spatial data, mapping and visualization of mosquito populations, analysis and prediction of temporal trends, and integration with other technologies such as remote sensing and drones. Through case studies, the study demonstrates the effective implementation of GIS in both urban and rural mosquito monitoring, summarizing lessons learned and successful practices. The goal of this study is to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of mosquito distribution monitoring through GIS technology, identify high-risk areas, and optimize disease control strategies. Keywords Mosquito monitoring; Geographic information systems (GIS); Spatial data; Disease control; Remote sensing 1 Introduction Mosquito monitoring is a critical component in the management and control of mosquito-borne diseases. It involves the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data related to mosquito populations and their habitats. Effective mosquito monitoring helps in understanding the distribution, abundance, and behavior of mosquito species, which is essential for implementing targeted control measures and reducing the risk of disease transmission (Ahmad et al., 2011). Accurate mosquito monitoring is vital for public health as it directly impacts the control and prevention of diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, and Zika virus. These diseases pose significant health risks globally, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. By identifying high-risk areas and periods of increased mosquito activity, public health officials can allocate resources more efficiently, implement timely interventions, and ultimately reduce the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases (Rydzanicz et al., 2011; Uzair and Tariq, 2023). Precise monitoring allows for the evaluation of control measures' effectiveness, ensuring that strategies are adapted to changing environmental and epidemiological conditions (Nihei et al., 2016). Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are powerful tools that integrate spatial and temporal data to analyze and visualize patterns and relationships in various fields, including public health and environmental studies. GIS technology enables the mapping and analysis of mosquito habitats, breeding sites, and disease transmission areas, providing a comprehensive understanding of the spatial dynamics of mosquito populations 18. The use of GIS in mosquito monitoring facilitates the identification of environmental factors influencing mosquito distribution, such as land use, vegetation, and climate, and supports the development of predictive models for disease risk assessment (Mueller et al., 2022). This study reviews the current status of GIS applications in mosquito surveillance and control, demonstrates the effectiveness of GIS in identifying and managing mosquito breeding sites through case studies, discusses the integration of GIS with other technologies such as remote sensing and global positioning system (GPS) to improve mosquito surveillance and control efforts, and identifies challenges and future directions for using GIS for mosquito surveillance. By providing a comprehensive overview of GIS applications in mosquito surveillance,