
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 147-160 156 7.3.2 Resistance management Resistance management is critical to maintaining the efficacy of chemical control methods. Strategies to manage resistance include rotating different classes of insecticides, using insecticides in combination with other control methods, and implementing integrated pest management (IPM) approaches. Computational models have been developed to understand the dynamics of resistance development and to optimize the deployment of insecticides to delay or prevent resistance (Barbosa et al., 2018). By carefully managing resistance, the longevity and effectiveness of chemical control methods can be preserved (Barbosa et al., 2018). 8 Future Research Directions 8.1 Identifying knowledge gaps Despite significant advancements in understanding mosquito life cycle dynamics under varied environmental conditions, several knowledge gaps remain. One critical area is the need for more comprehensive data on the phenotypic and genotypic variation in thermal tolerance within mosquito populations. This information is crucial for predicting how mosquitoes will adapt to climate change and for developing accurate predictive models. Additionally, the role of phenotypic plasticity in mosquito adaptation to changing climates is not well understood and requires further investigation (Couper et al., 2021). Another gap is the lack of integration of diurnal temperature ranges in experimental studies, which could improve our understanding of mosquito ecology and disease transmission, particularly in temperate regions (Andriamifidy et al., 2019). Furthermore, the interaction between climate change and other global processes, such as land-use and socioeconomic changes, is often excluded from analyses, leading to an incomplete understanding of mosquito-borne disease dynamics (Franklinos et al., 2019). 8.2 Emerging technologies for mosquito monitoring and control Emerging technologies offer promising avenues for improving mosquito monitoring and control. Satellite remote sensing, for instance, has shown potential in predicting mosquito population dynamics by providing more spatially continuous environmental measurements compared to traditional ground-based weather stations. The use of satellite data can enhance the accuracy of models predicting mosquito abundance and improve early warning systems for mosquito-borne diseases (Chuang et al., 2012). Additionally, advancements in system dynamics modeling techniques and remote sensing can provide better insights into mosquito-borne disease mitigation in a changing world (Franklinos et al., 2019). Mechanistic models that incorporate detailed vector biology and environmental factors, such as temperature-dependent models, can also offer more accurate predictions of mosquito population dynamics and disease risk (Beck-Johnson et al., 2013). 8.3 Integrating climate models with mosquito life cycle studies Integrating climate models with mosquito life cycle studies is essential for predicting future trends in mosquito populations and disease transmission. Climate-driven models that account for temperature fluctuations and other environmental factors can provide valuable insights into seasonal and interannual patterns of mosquito abundance. For example, models that incorporate diapause and the differential effects of temperature on various life stages can predict changes in mosquito abundance under different climate scenarios (Ewing et al., 2016). Additionally, almost periodic models that consider the loss of synchronicity in mosquito population dynamics due to climate change can offer more accurate predictions and inform targeted mosquito control strategies (Díaz-Marín et al., 2023). By combining climate models with detailed mosquito life cycle data, researchers can better understand the potential impacts of climate change on mosquito-borne diseases and develop more effective control measures (Iwamura et al., 2020). 9 Concluding Remarks This study comprehensively explores the life cycle dynamics of mosquitoes under various environmental conditions, revealing that temperature and humidity significantly impact mosquito development, survival rates, and population dynamics. While higher temperatures accelerate mosquito development, they can also increase mortality rates. In contrast, moderate humidity levels are beneficial for mosquito survival and activity. Additionally, water quality and habitat types in different environments significantly influence mosquito