
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 147-160 155 transmission. Increased mosquito populations and expanded geographical ranges mean that more people are at risk of mosquito-borne diseases. For instance, the expansion of saline and brackish water bodies due to rising sea levels can increase the densities of salinity-tolerant mosquitoes, thereby enhancing the transmission of diseases in coastal zones (Ramasamy and Surendran, 2012). Moreover, extreme climate events such as floods and droughts can create favorable conditions for mosquito breeding and increase the risk of outbreaks (Nosrat et al., 2021). The non-linear relationship between climate variables and mosquito abundance suggests that even small changes in temperature and rainfall can lead to significant increases in disease transmission (Ewing et al., 2016; Reinhold et al., 2018; Nosrat et al., 2021). 7 Management and Control Strategies 7.1 Environmental management 7.1.1 Water management practices Water management practices are crucial in controlling mosquito populations as they target the breeding habitats of mosquitoes. Effective water management includes practices such as draining stagnant water, proper disposal of containers that can collect water, and maintaining clean water bodies to prevent mosquito breeding. These practices reduce the availability of suitable habitats for mosquito larvae, thereby decreasing the overall mosquito population (Christian et al., 2021). 7.1.2 Habitat modification Habitat modification involves altering the environment to make it less conducive for mosquito breeding. This can include measures such as filling in or draining wetlands, modifying riverbanks, and ensuring proper irrigation practices. By reducing the number of breeding sites, habitat modification can significantly lower mosquito populations. Additionally, manipulating abiotic factors such as temperature and humidity can also impact mosquito bionomics and biological fitness, further aiding in control efforts (Christian et al., 2021). 7.2 Biological control methods 7.2.1 Use of natural predators Biological control methods leverage natural predators to manage mosquito populations. Various invertebrate predators, such as dragonfly nymphs, backswimmers, and certain fish species, have shown significant efficacy in preying on mosquito larvae. For instance, the backswimmer (Notonectidae) has been identified as a highly effective predator, capable of consuming a substantial number of mosquito larvae daily (Eba et al., 2021). The use of these natural predators can be integrated into broader vector control programs to provide a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to chemical methods (Riaz et al., 2018; Eba et al., 2021). 7.2.2 Genetic control techniques Genetic control techniques involve manipulating the genetic makeup of mosquito populations to reduce their ability to reproduce or transmit diseases. Strategies such as the release of genetically modified mosquitoes that carry lethal genes or genes that reduce their fitness are being explored. Homing endonuclease genes (HEGs) are one such approach, which can spread rapidly through a population and potentially lead to population suppression or elimination (Alphey, 2014). These methods offer a species-specific and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional control measures (Alphey, 2014; Alphey and Bonsall, 2014). 7.3 Chemical control methods 7.3.1 Insecticides and larvicides Chemical control methods primarily involve the use of insecticides and larvicides to target different life stages of mosquitoes. Insecticides are used to kill adult mosquitoes, while larvicides target the larval stages in breeding sites. Despite their effectiveness, the widespread use of these chemicals has led to the development of resistance in mosquito populations, necessitating the exploration of alternative control strategies (Benelli et al., 2016; Barbosa et al., 2018).