
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 147-160 153 selective pressures such as pollutants and insecticides, highlighting the role of genetic adaptations in thriving in human-dominated environments (Kamdem et al., 2016). Furthermore, chromosomal inversions in Anopheles gambiae have been linked to desiccation resistance, suggesting that these genetic variations confer advantages in arid conditions. Lastly, transcriptome analysis of Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes has revealed significant differences in gene expression and genetic variants, which are associated with their unique life strategies and ecological niches (Kang et al., 2020). Figure 3 Patches of local adaptation are revealed on comparison of putative neutral and adaptive variation across geographical space (Adopted from Bennett et al., 2021) Image caption: RGB maps of compositional allele frequency turn over across geographical space based on GDM analysis of (a) putatively neutral loci, (b) the 128 candidate loci with a signal of local adaptation and (c) the difference in allele compositional turnover between the putatively neutral reference loci and putatively adaptive candidate data set using a Procrustes superimposition on the PCA ordinations. On maps (a) and (b), the dissimilarity between allele composition is depicted by an increasing divergent colour spectrum. Locations with a similar allele composition are a similar colour based on the RGB colour scheme. On map (c), the scale represents the distance between the allele compositional turnover of the reference and candidate SNP data sets, with higher distances indicating areas that are potentially experiencing local adaptation (Adopted from Bennett et al., 2021)