
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 135-146 144 The results of these studies have far-reaching implications for public health. Understanding the molecular interactions between mosquitoes and pathogens could lead to the development of targeted interventions to stop the transmission of malaria, dengue, Zika virus, and other vector-borne diseases. Genetic manipulation and transgenics of mosquitoes could potentially reduce vector populations or render them unable to transmit pathogens, providing a new approach to disease control. Molecular approaches to studying host-vector-pathogen interactions could improve our understanding of disease ecology and inform targeted control measures. Detailed studies of Plasmodium-mosquito interactions offer potential targets for interrupting the malaria transmission cycle. The research on molecular interactions between mosquito vectors and pathogens has provided valuable insights that can inform the development of new strategies for controlling vector-borne diseases. Continued investment in molecular and genetic research is essential to further our understanding of these complex interactions and to translate these findings into practical interventions. Collaborative efforts between researchers, public health officials, and policymakers are crucial to ensure that new technologies and strategies are effectively implemented. Additionally, ongoing surveillance and monitoring of mosquito populations and the pathogens they carry are vital to detect and respond to emerging threats. By leveraging the knowledge gained from these studies, we can develop more effective and sustainable approaches to reduce the burden of vector-borne diseases on global public health. Acknowledgments Authors greatly appreciate the opinions of the two peer reviewers. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Altinli M., Schnettler E., and Sicard M., 2021, Symbiotic interactions between mosquitoes and mosquito viruses, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 11: 694020. Aželytė J., Wu-Chuang A., Žiegytė R., Platonova E., Mateos-Hernández L., Mayé J., Obregón D., Palinauskas V., and Cabezas-Cruz A., 2022, Anti-microbiota vaccine reduces avian malaria infection within mosquito vectors, Frontiers in Immunology, 13: 841835. Ballista J., Miazgowicz K., Acciani M., Jimenez A., Belloli R., Havranek K., and Brindley M., 2023, Chikungunya virus entry and infectivity is primarily facilitated through cell line dependent attachment factors in mammalian and mosquito cells, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 11: 1085913. Batson J., Dudas G., Haas-Stapleton E., Kistler A., Li L., Logan P., Ratnasiri K., and Retallack H., 2020, Single mosquito metatranscriptomics identifies vectors emerging pathogens and reservoirs in one assay, ELife, 10: e68353. Baxter R., Contet A., and Krueger K., 2017, Arthropod innate immune systems and vector-borne diseases, Biochemistry, 56(7): 907-918. Belachew E., 2018, Immune response and evasion mechanisms of plasmodium falciparum parasites, Journal of Immunology Research, 2018(1): 6529681. Benelli G., Jeffries C., and Walker T., 2016, Biological control of mosquito vectors: past present and future, Insects, 7(4): 52. Besson B., Lezcano O., Overheul G., Janssen K., Spruijt C., Vermeulen M., Qu J., and Rij R., 2022, Arbovirus-vector protein interactomics identifies Loquacious as a co-factor for dengue virus replication in Aedes mosquitoes, PLoS Pathogens, 18(9): e1010329. Caluwé L., Ariën K., and Bartholomeeusen K., 2020, Host factors and pathways involved in the entry of mosquito-borne alphaviruses, Trends in Microbiology, 29(7): 634-647. Ciota A., and Kramer L., 2013, Vector-virus interactions and transmission dynamics of west nile virus, Viruses, 5: 3021-3047. Collins E., Phelan J., Hubner M., Spadar A., Campos M., Ward D., Acford-Palmer H., Gomes A., Silva K., Gomez L., Clark T., and Campino S., 2022, A next generation targeted amplicon sequencing method to screen for insecticide resistance mutations in Aedes aegypti populations reveals a rdl mutation in mosquitoes from cabo verde, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(12): e0010935.