
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 135-146 141 been shown to enhance the mosquito's immune response and reduce DENV replication, highlighting a potential biocontrol strategy (Pan et al., 2017). Furthermore, the protein Loquacious (Loqs) has been identified as a co-factor for DENV replication, suggesting that DENV hijacks host immune components for its replication (Besson et al., 2022). Figure 3 Generation of clonal Aag2-derived cell lines from single cells (Adopted from Fredericks et al., 2019) Image captions: (A) Bright field microscopy images showing a heterogeneous Aag2 cell population. (B) FACS gating strategy illustrating the selection of live single cells from a DAPI-stained Aag2 cell suspension. (C) Morphology of Aag2-derived clonal cell lines generated after limited expansion. (D) Total number of clonal cell lines of each morphology generated. (E) After long-term culture, “clustered” and “rounded” clonal cell lines reverted to the parental Aag2-like morphology (Adopted from Fredericks et al., 2019) Fredericks et al. (2019) demonstrated the generation of clonal cell lines and their morphological changes in the Aag2 mosquito cell line, which is crucial for studying the mechanism of dengue virus transmission by Aedes mosquitoes. The Aag2 cell line is derived from Aedes mosquitoes and is an important tool for studying dengue virus interactions. Through single-cell cloning and morphological observations, researchers can evaluate the response of different cloned cells to the virus and reveal how the virus affects the structure and function of cells. In addition, the use of CRISPR gene editing technology to further manipulate specific clone lines, such as Aag2-AF5, provides a new perspective and experimental platform for a deeper understanding of the replication and spread of dengue virus in Aedes mosquito cells.