
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 124-134 132 use of pathogen-blocking Wolbachia bacteria and genome engineering-based mosquito control strategies further enhances the potential for reducing the burden of mosquito-borne diseases. The development and implementation of genetic control techniques for mosquito populations represent a significant advancement in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases. While there are still challenges to be addressed, such as biosafety, social, cultural, and ethical considerations, the potential benefits of these techniques cannot be overlooked. Continued research and collaboration at national, regional, and international levels will be crucial in ensuring the successful deployment and acceptance of these innovative control methods. In conclusion, genetic control techniques offer a promising and environmentally friendly approach to mosquito population management. By leveraging advancements in molecular biology and genomics, these techniques have the potential to significantly reduce the global health burden of mosquito-borne diseases and improve public health outcomes. Acknowledgments Thanks to every anonymous reviewer for their hard work and feedback. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Adolfi A., Gantz V., Jasinskiene N., Lee H., Hwang K., Terradas G., Bulger E., Ramaiah A., Bennett J., Emerson, J., Marshall J., Bier E., and James A., 2020, Efficient population modification gene-drive rescue system in the malaria mosquito Anopheles stephensi, Nature Communications, 11: 26. Alphey L., 2014, Genetic control of mosquitoes, Annual Review of Entomology, 59: 205-224. Alphey L., and Alphey N., 2014, Five things to know about genetically modified (gm) insects for vector control, PLoS Pathogens, 10: 9. Alphey N., Alphey L., and Bonsall M., 2011, A model framework to estimate impact and cost of genetics-based sterile insect methods for dengue vector control, PLoS ONE, 6: 84. Alphey N., and Bonsall M., 2014, Interplay of population genetics and dynamics in the genetic control of mosquitoes, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11: 71. Amlalo G., Akorli J., Akyea-Bobi N., Akporh S., Aqua-Baidoo D., Opoku M., Frempong K., Pi-Bansa S., Boakye H., Joannides J., Osei J., Pwalia R., Akorli E., Manu A., and Dadzie S., 2022, Evidence of high frequencies of insecticide resistance mutations in aedes aegypti (culicidae) mosquitoes in urban accra, ghana: implications for insecticide-based vector control of aedes-borne arboviral diseases, Journal of Medical Entomology, 59: 2090-2101. Becker N., Petrić D., Zgomba M., Boase C., Madon M., Dahl C., and Kaiser A., 2020, Genetic control of mosquitoes, Mosquitoes, 10: 20. Carvalho D., Mckemey A., Garziera L., Lacroix R., Donnelly C., Alphey L., Malavasi A., and Capurro M., 2015, Suppression of a field population of aedes aegypti in brazil by sustained release of transgenic male mosquitoes, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9: 64. Collins C., Bonds J., Quinlan M., and Mumford J., 2018, Effects of the removal or reduction in density of the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiaes on interacting predators and competitors in local ecosystems, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 33: 1-15. Crawford J., Alves J., Palmer W., Day J., Sylla M., Ramasamy R., Surendran S., Black W., Pain A., and Jiggins F., 2017, Population genomics reveals that an anthropophilic population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in west africa recently gave rise to american and asian populations of this major disease vector, BMC Biology, 15: 51. Culbert N., Balestrino F., Dor A., Herranz G., Yamada H., Wallner T., and Bouyer J., 2018, A rapid quality control test to foster the development of genetic control in mosquitoes, Scientific Reports, 8: 10. Edgington M., and Alphey L., 2018, Population dynamics of engineered underdominance and killer-rescue gene drives in the control of disease vectors, PLoS Computational Biology, 14: 71.