
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 61-66 65 strategies and preventing malaria transmission. By revealing the subtle differences in the response of specific olfactory sensory neurons to human odors, this study offers important clues for future exploration of more effective mosquito repellents and attractants. Figure 5 Odor-evoked activity of Ir76b+, Ir25a+and orco+OSNs in the Anopheles gambiae antennae to select human-related odorants 3 Evaluation of the Research This study represents a significant breakthrough in the field of malaria mosquito olfactory mechanisms, offering an in-depth analysis of the mosquito's olfactory coding process through the introduction of an advanced neurogenetic toolkit. Utilizing CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and calcium imaging techniques, scientists were not only able to track the mosquito's precise responses to human odors but also provided new perspectives and a scientific basis for developing effective mosquito control strategies. Additionally, the research findings enhance our understanding of mosquito behavioral habits, offering key insights for innovation in malaria prevention and control strategies. While this study is technically innovative, its complexity demands a deep understanding of genetics and molecular biology, which may limit its application outside specialized fields. However, its contribution to advancing mosquito research and the public health sector cannot be underestimated, providing valuable data and methods for future research and malaria prevention practices.