
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 61-66 62 Figure 1 Schematic of the DRM system for rapid reporting of gene expression patterns and development of binary T2A-QF2 drivers for the Anopheles gambiae chemoreceptor genes Gr22, Ir25a, andIr76b Figure 2 displays the expression patterns of the chemoreceptor genes Gr22、Ir76b and Ir25a, modified through T2A-QF2 technology, in the olfactory organs of the African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Part A shows the labeling of the mosquito's head's primary olfactory appendages, with the right panel summarizing the expression patterns of QUAS-GCaMP6f activated by Gr22QF2, Ir76b QF2 and Ir25a QF2 within these appendages. Part B reveals that Gr22+olfactory sensory neurons are confined to the antennae in the Gr22QF2 genotype. Part C indicates that Ir76b+ neurons are expressed solely in the antennae and the labial palps. Part D shows a broader expression of Ir25a+neurons in the antennae, maxillary palps, and labial palps. The scale bar represents 30 mm, providing a reference for observation. These results reveal the distribution and response characteristics of specific olfactory neurons within the olfactory organs, which is of significant importance to the study of olfactory navigation in malaria mosquitoes. Figure 2 T2A-QF2 in-frame fusions for binary use report expression patterns of the chemoreceptor genes Gr22, Ir76b, and Ir25a in Anopheles gambiae olfactory appendages