
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 87-99 90 understanding disease transmission dynamics (Aardema et al., 2020). In the UK, DNA barcoding has been employed to identify mosquito species, discover cryptic genetic diversity, and monitor invasive species, demonstrating the utility of molecular tools in managing mosquito populations (Hernández-Triana et al., 2019). Figure 1 Phylogenetic analysis and admixture patterns in the Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes (Adapted from Aardema et al., 2020) Image caption: A maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree constructed using four-fold degenerate sites and a transversional mutation model with a proportion of invariable sites and a gamma distribution of rate heterogeneity (TVM + I + Γ). The colors at the branch tips represent the six distinct taxa examined in this study. Bootstrap values at major nodes indicate the support level for each bifurcation (out of 100). The three-letter codes within each sample name denote the geographical region of origin. Samples beneath a broad dashed line indicate intra-taxonomic admixture (limited to pipiens and molestus), while those under a fine dashed line indicate inter-taxonomic admixture. The pipiens and molestus samples are grouped into three main geographical clusters: North America, Mediterranean, and Northern Europe (including Russia). (Adapted from Aardema et al., 2020) 4.3 Impact of environmental factors on mosquito diversity Environmental factors significantly impact mosquito diversity and distribution. In the Caatinga biome, the observed dissimilarity in mosquito communities is attributed to environmental heterogeneity and anthropogenic interference, which affect species' intrinsic relationships with their habitats (Andrade et al., 2020). In Rio de Janeiro, the impact of human activities on landscape and mosquito populations was evident, with higher species richness in rural areas and habitat segregation along an urban-forest gradient (Câmara et al., 2020). The phylogenetic analysis of mosquitoes in the Neotropical region revealed that major lineages arose after the Cretaceous, coinciding with the emergence of angiosperms and the expansion of mammals and birds, suggesting that historical environmental changes have shaped mosquito diversification (Lorenz et al., 2021). In Saudi Arabia, the diverse mosquito fauna is influenced by the region's unique geographic position, bordering multiple