
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 76-86 80 The findings of Chakraborty et al. (2022) indicate significant changes in gene expression following blood feeding in mosquitoes. The visual data show dynamic patterns in read counts over time, reflecting the upregulation and downregulation of various genes. Functional enrichment analysis highlights key biological processes and pathways that are significantly affected, providing insights into cellular responses post-feeding. The distribution of protein identity percentages among identified genes suggests a high degree of conservation for certain proteins. Comparative genomic analyses reveal differences between old and new genome assemblies, emphasizing the importance of updated genomic data for accurate interpretation. These findings underscore the complexity of mosquito physiology and the intricate molecular mechanisms involved in their response to blood feeding, which can inform strategies for disease vector control and management. 2.3 Manipulation of transmission pathways Genetic engineering has been employed to alter biochemical pathways in mosquitoes to reduce or block pathogen transmission. For instance, the development of high-quality genome assemblies and physical genome mapping techniques has facilitated the identification and manipulation of genes involved in vector competence and insecticide resistance. By using gene-based physical mapping approaches, researchers can create and validate chromosome-scale genome assemblies, which are essential for designing novel genome-based control strategies (Masri et al., 2021). Additionally, targeting specific kinases such as PfCDPK4 in P. falciparum can disrupt critical processes in the parasite's lifecycle, providing insights into effective malaria transmission-blocking strategies (Kumar et al., 2021). Collectively, these studies underscore the importance of understanding the genomic and biochemical mechanisms underlying pathogen transmission in mosquito vectors. By leveraging advanced genomic technologies and genetic engineering, researchers can develop innovative strategies to control mosquito-borne diseases and reduce the global burden of these infections. 3 Case Studies 3.1 Genetically modified mosquitoes Genetically modified mosquitoes have been developed to reduce the transmission of diseases such as dengue, Zika, and malaria. One notable case study involves the use of a Cas9/guide RNA-based gene drive system in Anopheles gambiae, a primary vector for malaria. This system, known as AgNosCd-1, was designed to deliver antiparasite effector molecules, achieving a high efficacy rate of 98~100% in both sexes during small cage trials. The gene drive system successfully introduced the desired genetic modifications within 6 to 10 generations following a single release of gene-drive males, demonstrating its potential for stable and sustainable malaria control (Carballar-Lejarazú et al., 2020). Another case study highlights the development of a gene-drive rescue system in Anopheles stephensi, which targets the kynurenine hydroxylase gene. This system effectively modified the mosquito population, with over 95% of mosquitoes carrying the drive within 5-11 generations (Adolfi et al., 2020). 3.2 Field trials Field trials involving genetically modified mosquitoes have shown both successes and challenges. The AgNosCd-1 gene drive system in Anopheles gambiae demonstrated promising results in small cage trials, achieving full introduction of the gene drive within a few generations without significant genetic load impairing performance (Carballar-Lejarazú et al., 2020). However, field trials also face challenges such as the potential emergence of drive-resistant alleles, although these were observed at a frequency of less than 0.1% in the AgNosCd-1 system (Carballar-Lejarazú et al., 2020) (Figure 3). Another field trial involving the gene-drive rescue system in Anopheles stephensi showed efficient population modification, but the success of such trials depends on various factors including initial release ratios and environmental conditions (Adolfi et al., 2020). These trials underscore the importance of continuous monitoring and adaptation to address potential resistance and ensure long-term efficacy.