
DNA Extraction and Sequencing: microbial DNA was extracted from the samples using standard DNA extraction methods. microbial communities were analyzed by high sequencing) to obtain information on the diversity and structure of gut microorganisms. Microbial Diversity Analysis: Sequencing data were processed using bioinformatics tools, including OTU clustering, species annotation, etc., to analyze the diversity and composition o aegypti (Zhang et al., 2023). Statistical Analysis: the use of statistical methods to compare the characteristics of microbial communities in different regions, seasons, or populations to determine the factors that influence m 4.2 Experimental design for virus transmission Experimental Formation: Aedes aegypti into experimental and control groups. The gut microorganisms of the mosquitoes known, while the microorganisms of the mosquitoes in the control group were sterilized to exclude microbial influences on virus transmission. Infection Procedure: Infect experimental and control mosquitoes using dengue virus degree of infection is similar and that the spread and replication of the virus can be monitored by methods such as real-time fluorescent PCR. Bite Experiment: experimental and control mosquitoes were bitten with uninfected mice t virus transmission under natural conditions. Virus levels in the serum of mice were monitored to assess the effect of mosquito microbes on virus transmission. Statistical Analysis: The potential role of microorganisms in virus differences in virus transmission between experimental and control groups using appropriate statistical methods. 4.3 Data analysis methods Microbial Data Analysis: 16S rRNA sequencing data were preliminarily processed as Qiime and mothur, including sequence quality control, OTU clustering, and species annotation. Diversity and structure of microbial communities were assessed by calculating index) and β-diversity analysis (e.g. PCoA). Analysis of viral transmission data: Real virus in the experimental and control groups. Differences between the two groups were compared by methods (e.g. t-test, ANOVA). Correlation Analysis: Correlation analysis of microbial community and virus transmission data to explore the interrelationships between microbes and dengue viruses. Correlation coefficients, heat maps, and other me can be used to show potential associations between microbes and viruses. Regression Analysis: Regression analysis of factors affecting microbial diversity and virus transmission to examine their impact on experimental results. Relevant models can be regression and other methods. Statistical Software: use statistical software such as R, Python, etc. to process and analyze data, and draw graphs and charts to clearly present experimental results. This comprehensive experimental approach and study design is expected to provide an in the effects of Aedes aegypti gut microbes on dengue virus and provide a scientific basis for future prevention and control strategies (Franklinos et al., 2019 mechanisms of microbial-dengue virus interactions in a more comprehensive manner. Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1 6 methods. microbial communities were analyzed by high-throughput sequencing techniques (e.g., 16S rRNA gene obtain information on the diversity and structure of gut microorganisms. clustering, species annotation, etc., to analyze the diversity and composition of gut microorganisms in different regions, seasons, or populations to determine the factors that influence microbial diversity. mosquito population infected with dengue virus was selected and divided into experimental and control groups. The gut microorganisms of the mosquitoes in the experimental group were Statistical Analysis: The potential role of microorganisms in virus transmission was examined by comparing Microbial Data Analysis: 16S rRNA sequencing data were preliminarily processed using bioinformatics tools such α-diversity indices (e.g. Shannon index, Chao1 diversity analysis (e.g. PCoA). Analysis of viral transmission data: Real-time PCR data were used to analyze the spread and replication of dengue examine their impact on experimental results. Relevant models can be established using linear regression, logistic ensive experimental approach and study design is expected to provide an in control strategies (Franklinos et al., 2019). Such a meticulous experimental design will help to reveal the dengue virus interactions in a more comprehensive manner. 4, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 throughput sequencing techniques (e.g., 16S rRNA gene f gut microorganisms in Aedes icrobial diversity. in the experimental group were Infection Procedure: Infect experimental and control mosquitoes using dengue virus cultures. Ensure that the Bite Experiment: experimental and control mosquitoes were bitten with uninfected mice to simulate the process of transmission was examined by comparing using bioinformatics tools such diversity indices (e.g. Shannon index, Chao1 time PCR data were used to analyze the spread and replication of dengue virus in the experimental and control groups. Differences between the two groups were compared by statistical interrelationships between microbes and dengue viruses. Correlation coefficients, heat maps, and other methods established using linear regression, logistic ensive experimental approach and study design is expected to provide an in-depth understanding of ). Such a meticulous experimental design will help to reveal the